Question does printing A5 , harm the printer?


Nov 29, 2018
hi, i am printing around 30 PDF each around 250 page for my personal use....
and my printer is canon 6030.
for some reason i can print some of them on A5 paper instead of A4 and save money and easy use.
for some reason, A4 printing is much faster compared to A5 , so i google the reason and closest answer i found is fuser heating!
(because A4 is bigger and cover whole fuser , it can take out heat easier but A5 cover half of it so that heat remain on the fuser)
is this true? so does printing A5 destroy the printer? if so, i rather spend money on cartridge and papre than sending my printer to repair service.

is there any reason to avoid A5 ?
hi, i am printing around 30 PDF each around 250 page for my personal use....
and my printer is canon 6030.
for some reason i can print some of them on A5 paper instead of A4 and save money and easy use.
for some reason, A4 printing is much faster compared to A5 , so i google the reason and closest answer i found is fuser heating!
(because A4 is bigger and cover whole fuser , it can take out heat easier but A5 cover half of it so that heat remain on the fuser)
is this true? so does printing A5 destroy the printer? if so, i rather spend money on cartridge and papre than sending my printer to repair service.

is there any reason to avoid A5 ?
Fuser heats up at whole width no matter how wide paper is. Only thing that can possibly be bad for it is printing to many pages in succession, Give it a rest every few pages for a minute or two.
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