Does the 980 ti asus have any redeeming qualities over other brands?

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Jul 23, 2014
I'm buying a 980 ti soon and due to the absence of an EVGA classified in all local suppliers (probably because they sold like hotcakes) I'm going with the Gigabyte one.
However, I've noticed that the Asus one is more expensive than everything else, except for the kingpin which isn't in stock where I live.
Which is weird because Asus seems to be the least favorite 980 ti manufacturer. My question is, does it have any redeeming qualities? anything to justify the extra $100?
about asus customer service you heard correct, they got some horrible customer service feedback atm

about the clock speed, depending on what your retailer is, you should be able to get a model from evga or gigabyte in the same range, usually.
all the factory clock speed means is it was a high quality chip (some are better than others straigh from teh gpu factory), so they were able to get nice base increases without incident..
most of the time, u can get a basic stock model from asus, ecga or gigabyte, and overclock them equally the same, as if it was the factory overclocked version, the difference from teh factory overclocked version is its a guaranteed, where as if you buy a standard model you might not be able to get more than a...
Yet more problems. So I got new fans - two noctua F12s, one at 3000rpm and the other at 2000rpm. Now, before, I had 2 fans, one at the back and one at the top, and both were intakes. I replaced the back one with the 3000rpm one and installed the 2000rpm one with the original top one's splitter (stupid mobo only has 2 4-pin fan slots grumble grumble). I am running all of them at maximum speed through the bios.
Here's the problem - regardless of what intake/exhaust setup I use (including exhaust/intake only), it seems to either make the temperatures WORSE or not make a difference at all. Seriously, what? my computer sounds like a jet engine, how is the GPU still managing to reach near-boil temperatures x_x
Oh by the way, I'm using a Corsair 200R case - I'm only now starting to realize how bad it is for cooling.

Also, here's a new anomaly - MSI afterburner is showing that my GPU is having random heat spikes to around 40 c degrees for a few seconds every once in a while when I'm not gaming, and then it goes back to around 10 c. Not sure if it's related but there it is.
Well any top case fan you have needs to be a exhaust. You should have the same amount of exhaust fans as you do intake. Some cases have more intake fans than exhaust and thats fine but your intake fans should honestly be the faster rpm fans. So the 200r has 1 intake front fan correct? You need to have the fastest rpm fan there and the 2 side panel fans also need to be intake. Set your rear exhaust fan and you can put in 2 top fans as well. That would give you 3 intake and 3 exhaust. Honestly though if it were me all my fans would be the same speed. Get you some fan splitters
Depending on your case your fan slots may vary, however, they should always be like this:

Blue is intake (cold air)
Red is Exhaust(hot air)
Circle/cross thingy is for side fan, since some cases have their position different, some very low, some middle some high
If your side vent is HIGHER than your GPU make it exhaust
is your side vent AT/BELOW the GPU make it intake

Never make your "back" /"top back" intake, since you just blow the hot air from the gpu/cpu/chipset right back in the case with no solid means of venting
Best air flow comes from- lower front to top back, thus letting cool air stream over hot components while effeciently drawing the hot air air that rises out at the same time,
Low exhaust is pointless since heat rises,

For a positive air pressure case flow, prioritize fans as such:
1 front intake, as low as possible, meaning if you have 2 or more front mounts start with the 1 near bottom of the front panel.
1 back exhaust
1 side vent preferable intake(in this scenario if your side vent is mounted higher than gpu dont use it, as we want it for intake, instead add another fron intake)
That is the best standard 3fan setup, this should be your starting point

if you later want to add fans, remember for positive pressure= more intake than exhaust, so always apply them in that order

Now for the rest: dont worry if your mobo only has 2 fan headers, u can safely connect 2 fans to each header via y splitter, adding more than 2 fans per header depends on fan type and their power usage
and even so, since you are running your fans at full speed those you choose to run at full speed you might as well just connect directly to a molex, gives same result
(regarding RPM i did warn you that fans could be loud specially at higher RPMs😉 )

Heat spikes can be common in certain scenarios, since you atm might not have the optimal case cooling that could be one,
another could be an application that intermittently uses the gpu however brief that cause the spikes, some background apps have actually caused such in the past, as long as it doesnt blast it up in high temps shouldnt be worrisome, but can always check your running apps if you do.

Your case arent that bad for cooling, it has all the essential fan mounting places, and in a solid amount
unobstructed airflow from lower front to top back, if you can remove any cage and bay you dont use/need
checking your case i made this, how your optimal setup could be with the number prioritization order of fan installation incase your dont have 5

remove the bottom front bay/cages you dont need to get the most unobstructed airflow possible,
extra note: 3 good quality fans, in that above optimal corrugation (1,2.3yellow numbers), combined with a good quality CPU cooler, is enough to keep most cases nice and cool, and even enough for both CPU and GPU overclocking

Right now im running an OC 6700 @ 4600Mhz, and a gtx 960 at 1500MHz, with all my case fans adaptive, meaning they are completely turned off, and wont engage unless temps rises to a certain degree, so most of teh time they are 100% silent, turn on, vent for a short while, and turns off again
you can get very cool temps even on air cooling, just need solid fans, and most important a good fan setup and airflow
follow up question, did you OC your GPU in any way? did you touch some of the settings in MSI afterburner like fan controls for the GPU?, if you accidentally either locked the fan at a specific low setting or such, it would also explain the GPU temps under load

Okay, apologies for the late reply, it took me a while to get motivated to touch the cooling again. This whole thing has been pretty dismotivating as you might imagine.
Anyways, I fiddled around with the fans some more. I opened the front panel and to my pleasant surprise I found out that there's another fan there. A cheap one, but still. I put the 2000 rpm one together with the cheap one, so that I have two front intakes, then I put the 3000 RPM one and some undefined arctic fan as rear and top exhausts. Also, I should clarify that my specific case doesn't have any side cooling - the side panel which shows the motherboard's top is metal with a large transparent plastic part.
This did seem to make a slight difference - Witcher 3 seems to make it hang around the low-mid 80s, occasionally jumping up to the low 90s. Its getting better, but still not good enough, especially since the ambient temperatures will climb up quite a bit in the following months since I live in Israel. Also, in addition to living in a really hot area, my room is also not very well-ventilated and my computer is kind of boxed in so that only it's transparent side part is open.
Anyways, I still have two unused fan slots which I'll look into putting to use once I get a splitter and some more fans, but for the time being, would drilling holes in the transparent plastic and front panel help in any way? while they're off the rest of the case, of course.

P.S. I didn't do any overclocking, I tried to touch the fan settings but it didn't make a difference so I just put it on auto.

I did set up an aggressive fan curve, yes. At 70 c it goes to 90% and at 80 c+ it goes to 100%

this seems strange to me, as not only does teh pictures for teh Corsair 200R show vents in teh side panel, but corsair even lists them under their specc,
maybe you have a diff version?
even tho some cases do come without side vents, its not many, some will actualyl ahve a side vent that is just "covered" by a lid of some type, but since its your case im pretty sure you would have seen that by now if that had been there, what all teh fiddling you have done there by now..
well, now that you have teh 2 fron intakes and 2 back as exhausts thats great
and if those fans truly doesnt help in anyway to get that gpu under 80, when fans are on max... i would be starting to think something might be up with teh card or a driver,
because that is starting to sound suspiciously hot with that setup.. even if you lived somewhere even hotter..


Oh yeah, with the side panel off, heat problems are mostly nullified, but this is problematic because I have a highly inquisitive and fuzzy cat, which doesn't mix well with delicate and electrocuted electronics. While It's mostly fine if I take it off and put it back on when I'm done gaming, I would like to have reliable temperatures with the case closed.

As for room temperatures, I couldn't really tell you, but the current temperature in Jerusalem is 28 c so I would imagine that room temperature is 5 or so degrees higher.

those ambient temps shouldnt bring your load temps that high

how is teh inside case "obstructions"? ,
because if it can chill with panel off and doesnt continue to run hot, it does seem more like an internal thing...
those 4 fans should be keeping it cool if the airflow is there.. specially at those RPM's
(or did you somehow get high rpm fans with very low CFM?)
Its really odd that you are getting that high of temperature especially with a custom fan profile. I mean maxwell cards shouldnt be getting anywhere near 80c. Either the ambient temperature is rather high or for some reason hot air is just not eacaping your case. I would try some corsair af120 or sp120 fans. 2 in the front, to on the top and one in the back. That would give you 3 exhaust and 2 intake. Its odd your 200r has no side panel fans because when googling the corsair 200r all the pics have 2 side panel spots for fans.

Didn't get the question.
Anyways, I forgot that I didn't install older drivers yet, perhaps the current nvidia drivers are screwing with temperatures. I'll do it when I get back home.
Also, quick question - afterburner has that one option where it shows stuff in-game, right? well, the weird part is that the temperatures that it is showing are completely different from the ones afterburner's graphs are showing. The in-game text shows temperatures of 55-65, whereas the afterburner shows temperatures of 75-95.


About 10 degrees less, I would imagine it would be a lot more with the new fans installed.

ahhh i think i know whats going on
are you sure you are reading teh graphs right? sometimes some people get tehm mixed up so they are reading the graph tehy see right above the info name, when infact tehy need to look at eh graph a bit below the name

about teh "obstruction" part, did you remove the front drive bays/cages, that was at teh front fans so teh air can flwo freely?
that is it,, if you are reading the temp graphs right, and it cant even report correct temps in game vs desktop, and the case airflow is now all fine and sorted, and you are using other drivers after uninstalling with DDU...

and if it still runs hot, and giving mixed info...

then it HAS to be a faulty GPU and you should RMA it.. nothing else would make sense at that point...
because you have literally done everything possible...
Dear diary, today I died.
I was killed by this thing <picture of distilled stupidity> in some arid place.
I leave all that I own to my cat guppy.
Goodbye cruel world

On a more serious note, you hit the nail on the head. I was looking at the friggin power usage, not at the temperatures, which are comfortably hanging around the low 60s on full load.
Thank you so much for this help. Now if you'll excuse me, I'll go bang my head against a wall for a few hours

no head banging needed man :)
i cant tell you how many i know that have misread monitoring software the first time they used it, and MSI was a common 1 they misread, so you are not alone on that so no shame there

im just glad all are fine after all
go enjoy your new GPU and rest easy its working safe 😉