Does this mean my motherboard is dead?

May 23, 2018
Hey guys, I just finished building my first pc, so id say im fairly new. I got everything brand new and plugged it all in based on countless manuals on how and where. I finally got the cpu and everything all hooked in and when i flip on the power, all i get is the motherboards rgb lights and thats it. No fans, beeps, post, or anything like that, just some fancy lights. Ive changed my ram and everything around and still the same problem. Ive done the paper clip trick for the pcu and that came back positive so i think thats working. The fan and everything turned on with that. I even checked to see if the cpu pins were damaged in anyway and they were not. Does this mean my cpu, or motherboard is dead. I need help ive been trying to fix it all day. Do i need to get another motherboard. I did what most people say not to do and worked on carpet which could possibly be the culprit.

Motherboard: Asus ROG maximus IIIV hero alpha
Cpu: intel i7-8700k
Ram: Cosair vengence ddr4-3000
HD: 1TB WD blue
Cpu Cooler: Cosair H100i water cooler
PCU: Evga 750w G2
And no graphics card, just wanting to start up without one for right now
Yeah, the ASUS Maximus motherboard naming can cause confusion sometimes if the chipset isn't noted in the specs, since the Roman numerals don't coincide with the Intel Core generation that they run with. So when you see VIII, with an 8th-generation Intel Core CPU, sometimes your eyes gloss over that. The Maximux X Hero is the Z370 one.
Once assembled, it is hard to troubleshoot. That is why many of us always 'bread-board' the system outside the case before we build. Set the motherboard on an insulated surface (like the box it came it or the foam pad it sat on), connect just the CPU/(stock) cooler, one stick of RAM in the first slot, PSU, keyboard, and monitor (to the iGPU). Start the system by momentarily shorting the two pins that the case's power button would connect to. Nothing else. See if you get a display. If nothing, then likely it is the motherboard.

While the board is out of the case, check that you didn't inadvertently add an extra standoff that wasn't required. It may be shorting out the back of the board.

If you did the bread-board correctly, it would appear your board is DOA. It happens. I've had my share over the years.
How do i do that, i put the bios file on a flashdrive, plugged it in and hit the bios flashback button. It blinked for a sec and now is solid, does that mean its good? If so that didnt work either still nothing happens.
Yeah, the ASUS Maximus motherboard naming can cause confusion sometimes if the chipset isn't noted in the specs, since the Roman numerals don't coincide with the Intel Core generation that they run with. So when you see VIII, with an 8th-generation Intel Core CPU, sometimes your eyes gloss over that. The Maximux X Hero is the Z370 one.