It works but this is lower priced, same performance, and gets you a better MB, PSU, and case. I would try to fit a SSD in for the OS and programs. The 2400 memory will default to 2133 so no biggie really. PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant
80% of the time its right. i should do some research tho. search on google if the i5-6600 is compatible with the Asus H110M-A Micro ATX LGA1151 For example. and try that on every piece. you can never be to safe 😉
It works but this is lower priced, same performance, and gets you a better MB, PSU, and case. I would try to fit a SSD in for the OS and programs. The 2400 memory will default to 2133 so no biggie really. PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant
An example above, why get 2400 DRAM for a mobo that supports up to 2133, it will run, yes, at 2133, we see this quite often OPs complaining their DRAM won't run at 2400