Again, I agree that Al-Awlaki was guilty and justly got what he deserved. But, I also see it as another example of the Obama Administration's disregard for due process and circumventing the Constitution. To maintain the facade, at least the Obama Administration and DOJ could have held an absentee trail and convicted Al-Awlaki BEFORE having him killed; at least then they could say they followed due process and adhered to rule of law instead of executive fiat.Ok, so rather than keep an open mind, you assume I have an agenda and choose to label people who disagree with your opinion. I have no agenda. I can only read the verbiage written into the Bill and make a best guess as to what it means. I plainly stated that the verbiage could mean a pace maker is an implantable device. But in the absence of any definition of what an "implantable device" is and the information to be stored on such a device, the intent and meaning is open to interpretation. You presume you know my interpretation by stating I have a political agenda. However, what you simply fail to realize or did not comprehend is the mere fact that the verbiage is the Bill and the lack of clear definition inherent in the verbiage is, in of itself, cause for question by any reasonably intelligent person.
Now, whether you want my opinion and interpretation or not, I'm going to give it anyway. I agree with you that mandating a RFID implant would never happen. I believe the Health Care Bill is out of the purview of the government and is unconstitutional. No freedom and liberty loving American would allow themselves, or there family, to be chipped. Mandating RFID implants is reason for wholesale riot and cause for open revolution. However, it would be naive to think and is no great leap of the imagination that the Federal government could make it a requirement of participation and that you must have an RFID to receive Federal health care benefits. The precedent exists for States and citizens to meet mandates in order to participate and receive Federal benefits, why would Obamacare requiring RFID chips be any different?