Doing Clean Install of Windows 8.1 from 7 on SSD, do I also need to (or is it preferrable) format my slave HDD


Apr 6, 2011
Title says it all basically, doing a clean install of Windows on my SSD (as per a toms hardware recommendation actually) and want to know if I should also format my slave HDD. I keep mostly games, pictures, music, and movies on there, there shouldn't be any system files that I'm aware of.

I can back up what I need and blow the drive up, but if it doesn't really matter either way I'd just as well keep it as is.

Thanks in advance.
Your secondary drive should be fine. Steam and Origin games that live on that can be redirected with the new Steam client that you will install.
Other games will probably need to be reinstalled.
Other stuff, 'pictures, music, and movies', will be fine.
Your secondary drive should be fine. Steam and Origin games that live on that can be redirected with the new Steam client that you will install.
Other games will probably need to be reinstalled.
Other stuff, 'pictures, music, and movies', will be fine.

Thanks, just what I was looking for. I'm doing a clean install because I think my Windows is corrupted somehow (was having boot problems). Do you think I should format the secondary storage HDD just in case or do you think it's fine to leave alone?

Your second drive is almost certainly OK. Leave it unless you see other issues.