The government to which you refer was Poroshenko's government -- which overthrew the previously elected president (Yanukovich) in the 2014 military coup. Poroshenko immediately placed bans on speaking the Russian language, banned ethnic Russians from serving in many government positions, and began engaging in reprisals against ethnic Russians in the East, acts which earned him the title of the "Butcher of Donbas". That was the actual impetus for the civil war that's wracked the "peaceful" nation of Ukraine for the last eight years. Poroshenko is currently rotting in a Ukrainian prison now, and Zelensky is far more moderate -- but once a fire is lit, it's difficult to put out ... especially when you have organizations like Ukraine's neo-Nazi "Azov Brigade" (sanctioned by the US Congress in 2015 for their acts of violence against ethnic Russians) roaming the East. Russia is supporting the separatists in Donbas -- but the US has funded, supported, and even enforced separatist movements in nations from Kosovo to East Timor -- the US support for the separation of South Sudan from Sudan alone caused the largest humanitarian crisis in modern-day Africa. Do the people of Donbas have the right to self-determination no less than anyone else in the world?
Yanukovich was a Russian puppet. Poroshenko was a western puppet. And Russia today is authoritarian, but not communist -- their economy is far more free-market than most of Western Europe.
NATO was organized to fight Russia -- and it gave assurances in the early 1990s that it would never expand eastward. When NATO stated its mission had changed to "stabilizing Europe" and broke those promises with eastward expansion, Russia itself attempted to join the organization. NATO said no to Russia -- but yes to Russia's immediate neighbors, all of whom hate Russia and may very well be willing to manufacture a casus belli in response.
But all the above is moot. Russia will not allow NATO bases in Ukraine, and it's willing to fight a major war -- potentially a nuclear war -- to prevent it. Given that, it would have been far better for all parties involved to acknowledge that reality. Russian troops spent 11 months on the Ukrainian border while Putin attempted to extract a commitment from NATO. The current US administration repeatedly stated emphatically that any such statement was "off the table". In retrospect, it was a severe policy failure.
While we see history from two sides there are several things to remember:
Ukrainians overwhelmingly chose to be independent of Russia. Just about all Eastern block countries if the Warsaw pact made the same decision. That should tell you something.
Putin is jailing protestors and blocking the news. The vast majority of the world is against him. And it's not like Putin would kill opposition right? Oh wait...
But let's say you are right...that maybe Ukraine is part of Russia and that all the oil and gas and lands belong to them. And somehow Russia needed to be protected from some unknown threat and needed Ukraine as a buffer. (Not like a boomer couldn't nuke DC in 5 minutes...oh wait.) Not like someone could smuggle a briefcase nuke into Moscow...oh wait....
So will it stop there? What's next Poland? "If NATO defends Poland I'll use nukes.". Putin has been salami slicing lands for years. Give a mouse a cookie....Putin's demands and past actions proves he will not stop unless the free people of the world tell him "No"
Here's the problem with nukes, NOBODY wins. The second you threaten to use them you are officially a mad man. Not only NATO, USA, and Russia die in a nuclear winter, but so does China, Australia, south america, penguins, deer, eagles, snakes, bears, horses, fish. EVERYTHING dies. If you are threatening to kill every thing because you lose a war that you started, then you are nuts and should be removed. And if we allow such nut jobs to be our leaders then maybe we are all better off dead.
Again nobody cares about Russia. Why would anybody want to force anything in Russia? The only time we care is when they threaten to destabilize the world. They can have their land. We would have welcomed them as friends and traded openly with them. We started to, with not just energy, but also tech. All that is down the tubes now. It could be decades before that returns to normal provided this crisis winds down. We don't hate Russians, we hate senseless violence. In fact one of my best friends at work is Russian and I respect her and love her to death.
It seems months ago, Russia had already made up its mind to invade. The government was preparing for a black swan event (when their market crashes). It's almost like they knew there would be serious consequences ahead of time and they didn't care.