DONE Latest 'Star Citizen' Video Shows Procedurally Generated Planets

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Oh its going to be so good. Patiently waiting for the retail release. I feel like its going to be the biggest bang for the buck in terms of diverse content.

I haven't played a flight sim since Freespace 2, and its getting tougher to keep that type of an experience fresh for when this finally drops.
Here is a link to a gameplay demo of a player flying a ship from a space station to the planet's surface. This video should go hand in hand with the video linked within the article to prove that it is not just a pre-rendered concept, but something that will be released to players soon.

Oh its going to be so good. Patiently waiting for the retail release. I feel like its going to be the biggest bang for the buck in terms of diverse content.
Yeah and yet it remarkably generates a ridiculous amount of hate, usually from people that have absolutely no skin in the actual game, so why do they care? Is it that it is a PC exclusive (consoles are going to get Star Citizen right about when PC users get Dead Red Redemption)? Is it that it is ENTIRELY crowdfunded and has blown way past every other crowdfunded project? Is it that they can't cry "scam" anymore, given this game is provably (after pre-alpha release) being worked on? What is it about Star Citizen that they find so detestable?
Oh its going to be so good. Patiently waiting for the retail release. I feel like its going to be the biggest bang for the buck in terms of diverse content.
Yeah and yet it remarkably generates a ridiculous amount of hate, usually from people that have absolutely no skin in the actual game, so why do they care? Is it that it is a PC exclusive (consoles are going to get Star Citizen right about when PC users get Dead Red Redemption)? Is it that it is ENTIRELY crowdfunded and has blown way past every other crowdfunded project? Is it that they can't cry "scam" anymore, given this game is provably (after pre-alpha release) being worked on? What is it about Star Citizen that they find so detestable?

I haven't heard anyone complaining that the game is detestable. Where are you seeing this?
I haven't heard anyone complaining that the game is detestable. Where are you seeing this?

It is not detestable. It is very disappointing. Transition does look nice but the planet surface does look a bit like "my first quick perlin noise 3d surface" exercise. While Elite is today allowing you to land on planets in a working game - like actually you can play the whole game - it is done. Star Citizen ... has been providing modules , each is like a stand alone demo and not actually a game.
I don't hate on it and I don't know if console players hate on it. But, I do really detest the hype it's creating. The game isn't done. Judgment (and money) should really be withheld until we have a full product in hand. Until then, we're just guessing if it's going to be good.

Yes, maybe you're enjoying it now. But there's no telling what they'll change or if they'll even finish it, no matter how likely it seems that they will. Any time the next big thing comes around, everyone seems to forget all the times and the many different ways gamers have been screwed by crowdfunding projects, paid betas, and the general hype beast.

Oh its going to be so good. Patiently waiting for the retail release. I feel like its going to be the biggest bang for the buck in terms of diverse content.
Yeah and yet it remarkably generates a ridiculous amount of hate, usually from people that have absolutely no skin in the actual game, so why do they care? Is it that it is a PC exclusive (consoles are going to get Star Citizen right about when PC users get Dead Red Redemption)? Is it that it is ENTIRELY crowdfunded and has blown way past every other crowdfunded project? Is it that they can't cry "scam" anymore, given this game is provably (after pre-alpha release) being worked on? What is it about Star Citizen that they find so detestable?

Might be a bit of projecting their own morality into a situation where millions of dollars exchanges hands?
Is it hate to say that until the game is released, we don't know what it will end up being? Feature creep and a lot of other things mean that until this game is released, I'm not buying into it.

I'd love this game to be awesome, but it could easily turn into a dud. I don't pre-order games for the same reason.
I haven't heard anyone complaining that the game is detestable. Where are you seeing this?

It is not detestable. It is very disappointing. Transition does look nice but the planet surface does look a bit like "my first quick perlin noise 3d surface" exercise. While Elite is today allowing you to land on planets in a working game - like actually you can play the whole game - it is done. Star Citizen ... has been providing modules , each is like a stand alone demo and not actually a game.

Procedural generated is very hard to do well. See No Man's Sky and most of Elite. It's the same thing over and over with slight differences. The only procedural thing that I've seen that actually works is Terraria and that is much more limited than either of the previous two games.
im excited about this game but I have a feeling they will go too real and require you to have a $400 controller setup to play it with any competition.

we already know the PC to run it will cost $4000 at least 😛

still not as good as starwars battlefront is. you cant beat fun beautiful and cheap. swbf runs on my pc easy and is silky smooth.
While Elite is today allowing you to land on planets in a working game - like actually you can play the whole game - it is done. Star Citizen ... has been providing modules , each is like a stand alone demo and not actually a game.

You are comparing a feature added to a game after it was released to a feature being built into the game before its release. Not sure how that is a valid comparison other than its roughly the same feature.

The alpha release showed how these modules are integrating into the actual game, kind of a moot point to be complaining about the module releases at this point.

I'd love this game to be awesome, but it could easily turn into a dud. I don't pre-order games for the same reason.

Then crowdfunding will never be for you. We may of never have had the chance for a game like Star Citizen if the fans didn't fund it. There are very few games that I will\have pre-order\ed and I have only done crowdfunding (or early access) on 3.

we already know the PC to run it will cost $4000 at least

... My PC runs the alpha just fine @ 1080p and it is at best a $1k computer

The last time I looked into it, keyboard/mouse was dominating the competitive aspect, while a hotus was the most immersive. It's been awhile since I've lurked the forums.

The last time I looked into it, keyboard/mouse was dominating the competitive aspect, while a hotus was the most immersive. It's been awhile since I've lurked the forums.

remember the beat of a controller that was shown off for hawken? i could see that make a return for this game.
Wow. Apparently people at TH don't mind getting taken from behind by Kickstarters. Or, they've forgotten all the times it has already happened. You all almost never vote on comments (which I think is appropriate). But my small criticism was enough to make a couple people angry.

All I said is that you shouldn't get overly hyped and spend money until the product is complete and available. I mean, I wouldn't ever buy a car that was only a frame and a blueprint of the plans going forward. If you're that defensive over something you didn't even create, you really have to question your objectivity and your fanboyism. It's gross.


ok, i just had to look this up.
space sims died, no one was willing to fund them, or even take a risk...
so star citizen made a working build, and started crowd funding
a month later elite dangerous went crowdfunding too.
neither company could get funding for the games, and they were required to go crowdfunding. this is what crowdfunding is for.
has it failed in the past, sure, some people have gotten burned, and in some cases burned bad, i'm thinking that one double fine game and than that one tactics rpg that completely changed genre, than there was the yogscast game which let's be honest, you put money down on a youtuber game you deserve to be taken for a ride.

in the end, we learned you should never give tim schafer money, dude has his development studio in the most expensive city to work in, and can not budget to save is damn life, the psychonauts kickstarter is damn near failing considering how many people would have given money if it wasn't proven he is un reliable.
the devs behind the bait and switch will never get another successful crowd fund again.
and yogs... well... that died and won't resurrect.

now, just for scope purpose, gta5 cost 70 million to make, without the marketing side, most AA games come in at 50 million or less, this dev has ample money to make the game and so long as there isn't a technical glitch (engine can't handle it) or they blow the money on cocaine and hookers, there is no reason to think it wont finish and be good.
Wow. Apparently people at TH don't mind getting taken from behind by Kickstarters. Or, they've forgotten all the times it has already happened. You all almost never vote on comments (which I think is appropriate). But my small criticism was enough to make a couple people angry.

All I said is that you shouldn't get overly hyped and spend money until the product is complete and available. I mean, I wouldn't ever buy a car that was only a frame and a blueprint of the plans going forward. If you're that defensive over something you didn't even create, you really have to question your objectivity and your fanboyism. It's gross.

You got downvoted because you don't understand the basics of what even is going on here. No one "pre-ordered" anything. They got crowdfunding to make a game because not a single publisher would fund it. So unless we "pre-ordered", there would be no game at all. The upswing is that by funding, you also get a free copy of the game.

The last time I looked into it, keyboard/mouse was dominating the competitive aspect, while a hotus was the most immersive. It's been awhile since I've lurked the forums.

Mouse is best for aiming, gunner position basically, while a joystick especially one with pedals to go with it is a lot better for precision flying.

You got downvoted because you don't understand the basics of what even is going on here. No one "pre-ordered" anything. They got crowdfunding to make a game because not a single publisher would fund it. So unless we "pre-ordered", there would be no game at all. The upswing is that by funding, you also get a free copy of the game. [/quotemsg]

Believe me, I understand what a kickstarter is. It's not difficult. But, let's look at your last sentence: "by funding you get a free copy of the game". Sounds to me like it's not free if you have to exchange money to get it.


I get what you're saying. But, it's not just Schafer (though he should be avoided like the plague), and it's not just Kickstarter or crowdfunding in general. You have the Ouya, you have Clang, Code Hero... There's early access and the buggy, hacker-friendly servers of DayZ, Towns, Godus (Molyneux is also a liar in general).

These are just the few I can think of off the top of my head.

Yes, there are successes. But, they're just as common as the failures. And neither is really predictable. The devs could all get space flu next week and sell the rights to SC to cover medical costs or change course and make it a survival-crafting game.... Obviously that's not going to happen exactly, but you get my point.

I've gotten scammed by devs and know too many other people who have, too. But, some of them keep going back and giving more money incomplete projects or projects that haven't even begun.

Wish the best for SC, though.
I haven't heard anyone complaining that the game is detestable. Where are you seeing this?

It is not detestable. It is very disappointing. Transition does look nice but the planet surface does look a bit like "my first quick perlin noise 3d surface" exercise. While Elite is today allowing you to land on planets in a working game - like actually you can play the whole game - it is done. Star Citizen ... has been providing modules , each is like a stand alone demo and not actually a game.

The $60 planetary landing "module" in Elite Dangerous is also incomplete. It currently does not simulate atmospheres at all, so you can only land at dead space rocks. It's as dead and hollow as the rest of the game. Atmospheres might come with yet another "Season" (their name for DLC) at $60 but those that pay $60 for Horizons today will never see them.
i'm honestly waiting for game release. Want to see the whole thing at work.

PROS: game is really open world, huge, and realistic
CONS: build requirements are so damn expensive and game usually targets wealthier gamers
In truth the game maybe one of the most biggest gaming designs ever but at the same time it may be one of gaming largest disasters. Damaging video game designers and crowdfunding pages for years to come. I paid some cash towards the game so im really hoping it works out well. My only critical negative of the game is the price tag. This game will not win any props for availability and cheap price. The games gonna be expensive, building may be extremely costly (especially in Canada). Early game would be extremely restricted towards the lower and medium class gamers. I do believe however that in the future maybe a year or two after selling the game will have a reduced cost. Computer requirements maybe downgraded and Canada's dollar will return back to stability but until then we may not get that much players early.
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