Looks nice, but what bothered me since the beginning still bothers me today: the prices for the nicest looking ships is crazy expensive. I saw packages that cost $15,000. I get the sourcing model Roberts is using, but is this going to be a "pay to have fun" model where those with the deeper pockets get more of the game than the rest of us?
Last I looked at the emails coming to me before unsubscribing, they were selling modules for ships.. MODULES? So if the ship wasn't expensive enough, you can then pay additional cash for storage bays. Hmmm.
I'm worried about this model, and if it's accurate (I hope I am wrong), will successfully keep players like me away from the title. I want a nice ship, but am not willing to spends hundreds or thousands of real cash on a game, even if it does well blurring the lines into sim.
I played the original Wing Commander series. All of them, when they were out. Some of the best titles ever made, btw. I've no lack of respect for Chris Roberts.