[citation][nom]otacon72[/nom]Of course not. Apple is going to release a non-HD verson first and milk the iSheep for all they are worth then release the "new and improved" HD version a few months later to milk them even more. Typical Apple.[/citation]
Herp derp you haven't even read the article beyond the first sentence, have you?
Apple going into the TV business is silly anyway. Competition is high, prices are low, profit margins are tiny, no useful innovation possible and the market is already saturated because everyone and their mum already got a big ass HDTV.
Even some sort of smartTV with voice recognition, etc. isn't going to make people rush out and pay for an one-size-fits-all Apple branded TV.
The only way forward is an inexpensive set top box that hooks up to every TV, projector, whatever and provides all the content you want including live sports coverage etc., whenever you want.
Whoever gets all the content into one easy to live with service/set-top-box wins this game.