Don't Expect an Apple HDTV Anytime Soon

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I haven't had any TV, even over the air, since they switched to digtial OTA. I haven't missed a single show or watched many commercials (Comedy Central's excluded). The content owners are continuously shooting themselves in the foot, just waiting to be replaced by the next greatest thing (maybe even comedy central). The industry, it's viewers and it's advertisers are all changing with times. As long as content holders and content providers continue to live in the 90's they will dye before 2020.
They cannot call it iTV! ITV here in the UK will sue the pants off apple as ITV is a trademark in the UK nad has been around for Yonks!
I still maintain that Apple would not like to, and have no business wading into the TV manufacturing sector. As much as TV makers have tried recently with Smart TVs, it is still just a medium for showing information - and as such Apple would gain nothing from it.
[citation][nom]moricon[/nom]They cannot call it iTV! ITV here in the UK will sue the pants off apple as ITV is a trademark in the UK nad has been around for Yonks![/citation]
Well iOS, iPad and iPhone were all around before Apple as well but they got them anyway.
[citation][nom]otacon72[/nom]Of course not. Apple is going to release a non-HD verson first and milk the iSheep for all they are worth then release the "new and improved" HD version a few months later to milk them even more. Typical Apple.[/citation]
Herp derp you haven't even read the article beyond the first sentence, have you?

Apple going into the TV business is silly anyway. Competition is high, prices are low, profit margins are tiny, no useful innovation possible and the market is already saturated because everyone and their mum already got a big ass HDTV.

Even some sort of smartTV with voice recognition, etc. isn't going to make people rush out and pay for an one-size-fits-all Apple branded TV.
The only way forward is an inexpensive set top box that hooks up to every TV, projector, whatever and provides all the content you want including live sports coverage etc., whenever you want.
Whoever gets all the content into one easy to live with service/set-top-box wins this game.
If Apple released an HDTV, Samsung should sue them if it's shaped like a rectangle.

ahhh why do companies cave so easy to Apple.

ios. = Cisco router and managed switch OS forever.
iPad = Fujitsu retail scanner(UPC) and handheld device. Go check out any store with a "Self Checkout"
Iphone = Cisco(Voip Phone) and Linksys(Owned by Cisco)
[citation][nom]winie[/nom]I hope Samsung has enough patents on tvs to get back at apple[/citation]
Yup, they could totally flex their muscle controlling patents on TVs.

Honestly though, Samsung probably hopes any new kind of Apple TV does well so they can get their $crilla back closing a deal to sell Apple all the chips and reigniting their stock price.
i don't understand the negative comments towards Apple. I truly hope that Apple can make this a reality and have multi channel cable tv go the way of the dinosaur. I would much rather pay 40-50 dollars for a few channels that I watch frequently instead of paying 100+ for 99999999 crap channels I've never heard of.
[citation][nom]winie[/nom]I hope Samsung has enough patents on tvs to get back at apple[/citation]
Except that Samsung can't legally refuse to license any television related patents to Apple. Any patents that are necessary to compete in any industry, are required by law to be licensed.
[citation][nom]moricon[/nom]They cannot call it iTV! ITV here in the UK will sue the pants off apple as ITV is a trademark in the UK nad has been around for Yonks![/citation]
If Apple wanted the iTV moniker they'd just swallow the UK's ITV. Really.
[citation][nom]sykozis[/nom]Except that Samsung can't legally refuse to license any television related patents to Apple. Any patents that are necessary to compete in any industry, are required by law to be licensed.[/citation]
You mean like rectangles with rounded edges?
I suppose they could buy Dish Network pretty cheap. Then make a hostile takeover bid on a content creator or two to get the rest to fall in line. That would be a last resort though. At some point the current TV model will have to change, as more and more people are cutting the cable, and not paying anything. Or at least very little.
[citation][nom]halcyon[/nom]If Apple wanted the iTV moniker they'd just swallow the UK's ITV. Really.[/citation]

Not necessarily. Apple is not that big a company actually (don't get duped by the bloated stock value).
Also, (don't know for the UK) many countries do not even allow for foreigners to control certain key industries. Imagine an American owning a Russian TV station or vice versa !
[citation][nom]scannall[/nom]I suppose they could buy Dish Network pretty cheap. Then make a hostile takeover bid on a content creator or two to get the rest to fall in line. That would be a last resort though. At some point the current TV model will have to change, as more and more people are cutting the cable, and not paying anything. Or at least very little.[/citation]

Owning a 'network' doesn't do you much good if you have no content.
And buying a content creator like Sony for instance is not as easy as you may think.
Furthermore, even if you buy one, you now have to learn a new market and how to compete in it.
"Compete" being the key word. Apple does not like to compete; they prefer monopolies; like Microsoft.
Only that M$ has gotten them beaten by a mile and then some. i.e.
Maybe if Samsung played the same way as the American networks they wouldn't be in the pickle they are
Sue us for daring to use a rectangular device? Go buy your shit from someone else, what's that? No one else makes it? Your products are suddenly shitty again? Our products get first dibs on all the juicy hardware instead? We sell more products than the sales deal we had with you?
Spiteful I know, but that is exactly what the Cable TV execs are doing, they can see when Apple will own a significant chunk of the TV market and they are jealously guarding their product. Rightly so too, otherwise I can see one day Apple sueing a network for releasing a sitcom involving a man, a woman and a funny neighbour - because they bought the rights to Seinfeld and they patented the format.
[citation][nom]Halcyon[/nom]If Apple wanted the iTV moniker they'd just swallow the UK's ITV. Really.[/citation]
Not if they don't want to sell, it isn't communist China over here you know
[citation][nom]noob2222[/nom]apple wasn't granted a patent on the 16x9 rectangle[/citation]
You got that right, I mean if they did they would have it on the iPhone or the iPad, right?
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