My final version of ff is 4.0 that I will ever fracken use. Its more for development anyway (to how my pages look in the ff browser).
Tomhardware and every other online publication should mock Mozilla for playing these stupid version games with everyone. Its bad enough that Google does it, in which it took them 3 years to hit version 16, but ff goes from 4~10 in 6 months?
Let's call it what it is... Today, Mozilla releases ff 4.6! I browser that became a POS from its unimaginative marketing and programming teams. (PS: I call firefox "ff" instead of "FF" as an insult, and I will always refer to any current version of ff as 4.x or 4.?)
A) the look of ff4.? is 99% Opera 10.x look which is about 2 years old... but without much of the functionality. Don't believe me? Download Opera 11.61 and give it a spin. Use it for a week or two and you'll know why ff has always blown chunks in most ways. Tab browsing, first on Opera. many features we see today on ff 4.0, Chrome and IE9 are copied from Opera.
B) Marketing. Coming up with Major revise versions every month or so... Sorry brain-damaged Mozilla Team, how many times have you been dropped on your heads? A few bug fixes and changing a font DOES NOT warranty a major version number change. If MS did that, MS-Word would version 350 by now.
There are more noticeable differences between Opera 11.50 and 11.61 than ff4.0~4.6. (Same for Chrome too). And when Opera does an update, there on the first welcome page is a link/listing of the changes made since the LAST update... which is great. And you can even very easily Download Opera 10~11 from the download page, click another link and even DL Opera 3.x for some strange reason.
Opera 11.0 came out Dec 2010, there are updates almost monthly, rarely twice a month (big fix).
Seriously folks, try out Opera 11 for a week or so. Its a 10MB download, its super easy to use and has very cool features. Speeddial, tab-grouping (kinda like Win7), tab thumbnails, zoom (which took IE / FF about 10 years to copy) and more.
Tired of the ff game or the almost daily updates to Chrome? IE9 tabs look like the address bar and only has room for about 3~5 tabs, ugh. Stick it to them - try out something els.e