Downloads get stuck towards the End


Apr 1, 2014
So,I've been using windows 10 for few weeks now and since the time I switched there has been some minor issues and two annoying problems:
1.My downloads get stuck at the end i.e at 99.98% or something.
2.Start up takes a long time without fast boot with a brief balck screen between loading screen and login screen.
The 2nd issue i've come to know that many people are facing and there is no fix as of now and I've left it for Ms to fix.

But the First issue is becoming increasingly annoying.
First noticed it happening with firefox download manager wherein download would get stuck at the end and I will have to pause and resume multiple times to get it done.

So I started using IDm and noticed the same,only this time I will not have to pause and resume multiple times,once will do.

Not sure what is causing this

Have attached a screenshot taken at the time.

After sometime the one saying disconnect turns completed and there is one in the end(not visible in the screenshot)which is stuck and does not change unless I pause and resume the download.

And I do not have any antivirus installed,just the mse which shipped with win 10.

Any help is appreciated guys,
Thank u all.
Might it be possible for you to install Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox? Thereafter, try to download some files. Should the problem persist, we can pursue another venue; if, however, this is not the case, then, we may have other options to explore. Thence, you should feel free to uninstall the recommended browsers. I'm just trying to create a test case for you/us to help figure out the problem.
Yeah,I already have both chrome and firefix intsalled.In fact I noticed the issue first with firefox.
Haven't tried with chrome though.Just as I posted the thing above I noticed one of my downloads finished successfully without me having to do anything.
It could be that the downloads are being stalled due to the download manager creating multiple threads (i.e., spawning multiple connections). Is this the case? By this, I mean, "are you using a separate third-party download manager?"
One more thing is that the downlod gets stuck only if the download takes more than 30 minutes.
The file size doesn't matter,For example -I was downloading a file of size more than 3gb when my internet speed was at 8 mbps and since the download took more than 30 or 45 mins it got stuck at the end.Now I download a 150 mb file at 512kbps connection and again since the download took more than 30 or 45 mins it got stuck(With the 4 gb file I was using firefox's inbuilt dm and for the 150 mb file it was idm).Then again whe I was downloading a 1 gb file with 8 mbps connection it did not get stuck and a 50 mb file with 512 kbps connection did not get stuck as both did not take more than the above said time when the issue occurs.Does this say something?
The only reason I can muster from the top of my head as to why a 4 GB file would fail to transfer is if the file-system were FAT32 which has a 4 GB file limit. However, this couldn't be the case because Windows 10 uses NTFS by default (although it's technically possible to use ReFS). This, however, is an abstraction that would normally never be considered with modern file-systems, so it's pretty much a worthless thought.

The more likely reason is that a file-lock could be set in-place, but this too doesn't seem very likely as download managers are built well enough to not encounter such problems.

I know Wget and cURL have Windows builds, but if it's too troublesome you oughtn't worry about it. Instead, could you open up PowerShell?
In PowerShell, use the following command ($ represents the command line):

$ (iwr [REMOTE_PATH]).Content > [LOCAL_PATH]

Example 1 ::
$ (iwr > The_Name_Of_The_File_Saved_On_My_Computer.FILE_EXTENSION

Example 2 ::
$ (iwr >this_funny_video.fws
<---- using "fws" as a backwards reference for "swf".

Just tried grabbing a html file with the command,went fine,then tried a .exe,got cut off.
Some routers can block downloading files from certain servers, though it's also possible to block based on file size and file extension. Most home routers can't do the latter two, but I wouldn't count it out just yet. Can you check the router settings and see if this might be the case?