Driver for Windows XP - AMD Radeon HD 6670 ZHF3


Feb 3, 2015
I am experiencing a lot of problems with my PC (BSODs etc) and I think I have narrowed it down to either my PCI slot on my motherboard, or a bad graphics driver. Can someone give me a direct link to download the right version for Windows XP for my GPU "AMD Radeon HD 6670 ZHF3" I believe there are many versions of this card, and I am not getting the right one as mine is apparently made by, This is my card :

Windows XP Professional SP3 X86

Thank you!
Seems AMD no longer is updating XP video drivers for 6000 series cards. After a little digging, I did find where they put the last update. The last update was 4/25/2014... A full year ago.

This is the main driver download page.

If you cannot get what you need there, this might work for you.
This is the driver for XP 32 bit.

I could not find a way to get specific 6000 series drivers. I am assuming the XP driver will cover the 6000 series since they were so popular with XP users.

I highly recommend that you upgrade your Windows. If nothing else, when Windows 10 comes out later this year, take advantage of the free...
Seems AMD no longer is updating XP video drivers for 6000 series cards. After a little digging, I did find where they put the last update. The last update was 4/25/2014... A full year ago.

This is the main driver download page.

If you cannot get what you need there, this might work for you.
This is the driver for XP 32 bit.

I could not find a way to get specific 6000 series drivers. I am assuming the XP driver will cover the 6000 series since they were so popular with XP users.

I highly recommend that you upgrade your Windows. If nothing else, when Windows 10 comes out later this year, take advantage of the free upgrade.

OP will /not/ be eligible for the "free upgrade". It is only /free/ to Windows 7 and 8 users. All XP users were told last year to upgrade or be left in the wind. OP needs to consider that they are on a unsupported legacy hardware no longer capable of current gaming standards. While upgrading ($179 @ Walmart/BestBuy for Win8) OS seems like a option, it be best considering the cost, to invest fully in a complete upgraded system ($700) that meets current demands by the games the OP is focusing on. If this is /too expensive/ then the OP should instead invest the similiar amount ($200 refurb-$400 new) on a PS4 to ensure OP is able to play current and future games with the least amount of investment.

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