[SOLVED] drivers / firmware for new build?

Dec 28, 2019
new gfx/video edit build by a longtime mac user

aorus 570x, ryzen 3900x, dual 2060 super 8gb, 64gb corsair vengence ram, corsair h100i cooler

got windows installed but curious about next steps

i am plugged in hdmi to one of my 2060 supers, but in display settings it is not detected, just “microsoft basic display adapter” with 1024x768 res. do i need to update firmware or do some additional installation?

for the other components I listed above, should i go to each manufacturers page and download updaters or what should my next steps be?

thanks so much and sorry for the newb question
Your motherboard and your graphics card(s) came with driver disks. Do you have an optical drive? If so load the motherboard driver disk first, then you should get networking. Let Windows do updates. Then download the latest NVIDIA drivers and install them.
Your motherboard and your graphics card(s) came with driver disks. Do you have an optical drive? If so load the motherboard driver disk first, then you should get networking. Let Windows do updates. Then download the latest NVIDIA drivers and install them.