Regarding the above i would like inform you that i have over-come to that particular issue.
The story was that during the internet using i download a software after using i found that it it useless so i un-installed that software,while i was un-installing a message receive(a list of my installed software will also be delete)I just ignored after restart I could not find my DVD.Ram is My computer and contated to Microsoft.
Mean while I pray to Allah being a muslim and request for soulution.
Mean while I re-store Winmdows and fouind that the reason is some where else.
I checked my BIOS and found that all Biose setting was disturb.
I adjust the BIOS and restart and foun each any every hardware of My computer.
This was the true story and end too.
Thanks and regard for taking time.
Allah Hafiz.
Arshad Minhas.