Dropbox Denies It Was Recently Hacked

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Reason #46 why I don't store nor back up any of my data in the "cloud." Anyone who does and who does not instead use an offline home storage and backup method is asking for a breach of privacy. That includes automated mobile phone cloud storage as well. Turn that crap OFF if you know what's good for your security and privacy.
now look at windows 8 and above cloud cloud cloud across the board and they know your going to just love it [or leave it] wonder why outlook maul is gone?? cause its not part of the cloud and that needs to be ''out there'' with ''them'' and not with you


Aug 8, 2014
I always recommend people use multiple backup platforms in case of failures of either devices and/or services. I also give them a heads up that online services are best used for non-confidential data that they "wouldn't mind" if anyone else got a hold of it.
I always recommend people use multiple backup platforms in case of failures of either devices and/or services. I also give them a heads up that online services are best used for non-confidential data that they "wouldn't mind" if anyone else got a hold of it. ''

well when that's being taken away your just screwed
like look at Microsoft of its not cloud based it gone this is why I do my importante e-mails still with xp and vista its stored on your drive not the cloud as 7 and above [opinion]
Create an e-mail, click the photo album icon, and then select your photos. Windows Live Mail puts thumbnails of them all into a nice-looking photo album in your e-mail. But it doesn't actually send original pictures. Instead, it stores them on Windows Live Skydrive, Microsoft's free, cloud-based storage service that offers 25GB of free space. Recipients of the mail click thumbnails, and are then sent to get the original images on SkyDrive. In that way, you don't clog up people's mailboxes with large attachments.

see its all with them not you with 7 and up so you wipe or destroy deleat what ever your hard drive don't worry they still got a copy of it well out of your control somewhere in the world out side of any u.s law that may protect you

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