Dropped connections while gaming - 2 Computers, 1 Wireless, 1 Wired.


Mar 16, 2017
Hey everyone, I encountered a new issue that hours of googling has not presented solution. I am out of ideas so now I am here looking for advice.

We have been experiencing intermittent dropped connections for the last week. A service tech has been out, and the over the phone support says everything is fine on their end when they do a modem check. The drops last only a few seconds, but are long enough for us to be disconnected from teamspeak and Guildwars2. We will be disconnected and loose our internet signal. Sometimes together, others a minute apart. One of us is wired to the router and the other is using wireless. The other people on the network are a retired couple who have not noticed any issues. They only check facebook, emails, and the news.

We are on a cable line. Last night it seemed to happen every 10-30 minutes

I have tried basic stuff like replacing the Ethernet cable from the modem to the router, swapping router for a brand new one. Changing the SSID and passwords.

Our networking hardware is as follows.

Cable Modem : Cisco DPC3008 DOCSIS 3.0 Cable Modem
Router at the time of this post: TP-Link Archer C50, previously was using a Netgear R6100
Total Wireless Clients = 6. problems persist when only 4 are present. All are known users.
Total Wired Clients = 1

I tried checking the cable modem down and up channels. They seem fine to me based on the information found. I am a noob to this aspect. They are posted below.

Cable Modem State
DOCSIS Downstream Scanning: Completed
DOCSIS Ranging: Completed
DOCSIS DHCP: Completed
DOCSIS TFTP: Completed
DOCSIS Data Reg Complete: Completed
DOCSIS Privacy: Enabled

Downstream Channels
Power Level: Signal to Noise Ratio:
Channel 1: 10.6 dBmV 41.9 dB
Channel 2: 9.6 dBmV 41.9 dB
Channel 3: 11.2 dBmV 41.9 dB
Channel 4: 12.0 dBmV 42.5 dB
Channel 5: 12.7 dBmV 42.5 dB
Channel 6: 13.1 dBmV 42.5 dB
Channel 7: 13.9 dBmV 42.5 dB
Channel 8: 13.8 dBmV 42.5 dB

Upstream Channels
Power Level:
Channel 1: 48.0 dBmV
Channel 2: 48.0 dBmV
Channel 3: 48.0 dBmV
Channel 4: 0.0 dBmV

If there is any other information I can provide please let me know. Ill try my best. Off to work now but I can still provide information that I am aware of.

Those number look ok. There should be another column that talks about correctable and uncorrectable errors. If you see these numbers increase a lot there can be other issues not related to signal levels happening.

The loss can be anywhere in the path unfortunately. For intermittent errors what you want to do is leave a ping run constantly in a back ground window. Best would be to run 3 at the same time. Run a ping to your router lan ip. A second one to the ISP first router (this is hop2 in a tracert) and then to some common server like

What you are trying to do is see if the problem is inside your house, in the connection to the ISP, or something farther into the network.
Those number look ok. There should be another column that talks about correctable and uncorrectable errors. If you see these numbers increase a lot there can be other issues not related to signal levels happening.

The loss can be anywhere in the path unfortunately. For intermittent errors what you want to do is leave a ping run constantly in a back ground window. Best would be to run 3 at the same time. Run a ping to your router lan ip. A second one to the ISP first router (this is hop2 in a tracert) and then to some common server like

What you are trying to do is see if the problem is inside your house, in the connection to the ISP, or something farther into the network.