DS4 doesn't connect while using an USB-cable (yellow light)


Jul 14, 2019
Hello and thank you for taking the time to read this.

I am having a problem with my PS4 Controller. I doesn't want to connect to my ps4 nor PC anymore using a cable. Yet it does connect using bluetooth so wireless. But the problem is that I HAVE to rebuild my database from PS4, and when you are doing that you can only hover trough the menu if your controller is connected to the cable. So not wireless.

First of all, does someone know if there is a way to rebuild database without having to use the controller wired?

The controller gives a yellow light of dead the second I put the cable in the port. So Anyone know any fix to this?

I already tried different cables. Resetting controller trough the reset button from the controller. Removing the controller from the system and readding it.
