Question DS4 Windows makes my ps4 controller seen as xbox controller

Apr 3, 2020
ok so i know that you do not have to use ds4 windows when playing a steam game with a ps4 controller because steam has playstation config but ds4 windows is the only way to get my controller to work with steam. Because when trying to connect the controller to steam and using playstation config steam then thinnks that my ps4 controller is a steam controller and therefore starts taking screenshots in game and changing the volume. i have tried turning playstation config on and off. i have tried everything but ds4 is the only thing that works. only problem with ds4 is that it would randomly make a xbox menu pop up mid game
no but im playing my game via steam and on steam it has playstation config so it doesnt really require it because ive played on steam before with my ps4 controller without ds4 its only now it stopped working. is there a way im able to turn off the xbox menu that keeps coming up because of ds4?