DTX compatibility (what cases will it fit in?)

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Sep 24, 2011
My current computer is starting to show it's age. Well, not really... it's not that old, but I would like to upgrade. I'm low on money right now so what I hope to do is cannibalize some of my current computer pieces to save on buying everything from scratch. What I'd like to start off with is a new case and a new PSU, since my current power is only 220 W, that's one of the biggest obstacles I face. I actually tried to put in a fairly basic graphics card I got off of NewEgg and, even though the mobo has a slot that accepted it, the entire motherboard crashed due to insufficient power.

So... I've been browsing all these cases and they all mention support for ATX, mini-ATX, micro-ATX. Some can even handle extended-ATX. But I can't find any word on DTX. I know this is important because different form factors could mean different mounting holes, and I don't want a case that will not be able to secure my mobo. So I would just like to know, are the mounting holes on a DTX fundamentally differently placed than on the ATX-gang? Or am I doomed to try and find super obscure DTX compatible cases that cannot be found? Also, I was wondering if there was any risk involved in pulling out a low-profile computer's innards and plugging them all into a new chassis. I mean... the increase in power I will be subjecting it to, it's not going to hurt my hardware, will it? Going from 220 W to say around 500 W?


(Sorry about the lousy image, Google Images is NOT being very helpful today)

How do I know what kind of case will hold a DTX board?

Okay... I actually found a guide that shows where the mounting holes on the DTX board are located (around page 6 and lower). http://www.scribd.com/doc/67335468/42197-DTX-Specification
Now I just need to compare this to the ATX standards, any help in finding those would be greatly appreciated.
The wikipedia link includes this info: "AMD stated that the DTX form factor is an open standard, and is backward compatible with ATX form factor cases." What more do you need?


Sep 24, 2011
Ah... I see. Now don't I look silly. lol

Thank you! I suppose that really does answer my question. I was quite worried about getting a whole new chassis only to find the pieces don't fit together. But yes, assuming this Wikipedia article knows what it's talking about, I shouldn't have any problems.

And here we have Google Images that starts behaving once more.
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