Dual- 1440p (60Hz) monitors, single graphics solution? (or cheap dual)


Probably. I can't really see my self using the as a surround (or attempt at it)

You'd probably want a GTX 980 but that is out of your budget, could you stretch to one?

Here's the problem: two 1440p monitors push as many pixels as just over 3.5 1080p monitors and nearly that of a single 4K monitor. In other words, you're going to need a solution that's not far from being able to run a 4K monitor well. Stretching for a GTX 980 is the minimum I'd go for and I'd really recommend getting the 980ti.


Idk, I could try for it...
would SLI/ Crossfire help me at all? I know that 2 R9 270's near match a R9 290X, (not that I'd use that)

Oh, I was just gonna suggest, sell your bike and with that extra money buy a 980 or 980 Ti....

Uh, a 290x is definitely not better than a 980...

You could run two 1440p monitors, one gaming and one internet, on a 980, but you might not get great performance. A 980 Ti will give you great performance for $150 more as well as being a strong card for a long time. It's the best choice on the market for high-res gaming right now.


I doubt he would consider using 2 1440p monitors both for gaming.
1 gtx 290x is fine for 1440p gaming.

"Fine" sure. But 290X does not fully support dx12 (when it comes out). I would not recommend buying a 200 series AMD card. Either get one of the higher-end amd cards coming out tomorrow, or get a 970/980. A 980 would be good, a 980 Ti would be great and last for longer. If you buy a 200 series card, you will regret it when dx12 comes out.


I'll wait to see how AMD's upcoming stacks up against the GM204 cards, if it sucks I'll probably go 970
And yes, I'd only use one monitor for gaming.