Dual Display setups


Mar 4, 2012
K so i just bought a 1920x1080 144hz monitor because it was 100$ off, i thought it was a steal so why not, any i have a 1680x1050 or whatever this thing is, for dual display do i just run everything in borderless windowed? and how do i plug them in because the new one has HDMI/display but idk what is better to run off of hdmi/display also the old display only has DVI so do i just use the DVI port on my 970 and another port to dual display?
Hello... Right Click your Desktop, Screen resolution to setup multi-Monitors... HDMI, DISPLAY PORT and DVI have the same Digital Video data.
so i can just do it that way with one in the hdmi and one in the DVI? also will having two different resolutions tax my 970 even more? because with games like farcry 4 it already gets taxed kinda heavily..but i think thats more of a game issue than my actual gpu's fault. Also whats better displayport or HDMI?
Hello... You ADD more real estate to your DESKTOP (1680x1050 ) ... you can add it to the Left, Right, Top, or Bottom of your current One Monitor Desktop. By moving the #2 Monitor Picture around... it pretty kewl... you can have live/chat/internet and other thing going on outside your main monitor. I add a second monitor to the left in Portrait mode... great for seeing Full page texts to the left of my main desktop.
Display port was created as Royalty less cable option... The HDMI name and use, requires Royalty payments.