cmi86 :
Whoops my bad
Funny you didn't read the link you posted. This has nothing to do with the CrossFire problem:
"“A patch has been released on Steam to fix issues with AMD hardware, and improve performance for these cards,” writes Deep Silver’s community manager on the Steam Forums. “It also fixes a shadow visual corruption bug on AMD 7xxx cards"
We talked to AMD about the metro CrossFire problem, they are aware of it and are working on a fix. We're not out to get them, we're trying to improve the user experience by letting them know about the issue. It doesn't help anyone if we bury problems to make a company look better.
By the way, we run our benches off of Steam, so the game is automatically patched. And we ran that one at the end of last month, it was the last bench we took - retook actually, because of the issue people saw when playing it.