Question dumb monitor


Jan 5, 2010
is there a dumb monitor around? i have a 43" samsung smart monitor [which is smarter than i am]. it gives me fits. it currently refuses to recognize the pc. samsung was no help. the pc onboard hdmi failed so i had an hdmi card installed friday. all was well until i had to power down the pc. the samsung now refuses to believe a working powered on pc is connected. i powered down to install a sound card [the onboard failed - maybe i just need a new mobo tho this one is only 11 months old]. i cannot conceive of how that [sound card] could effect the hdmi. anyway since i never use any of the smart features i think a really dumb monitor is what i want. i did see some posts about how one might lobotomize a smart monitor but it looked pretty complicated. so, in brief after a long monolog, is it possible to get a 43" dumb monitor? i didn't find any with a brief search. i have some vision problems.
Update your post to include full system hardware specs and OS information.

Include PSU: make, model, wattage, age, condition (original to build, new, used, refurbished)?

Disk drive(s): make, model, capacity, how full?

All attached peripherals.

Monitor: which model Samsung? Does the monitor have its' own drivers?

Any video/graphics related error codes, warnings, or even informational events in Reliability History/Monitor or Event Viewer?