Dungeon Keeper Online Definitely In The Works

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The original was fully 3d only using sprites for small things such as weapon and spell effects. And it had a 1st person view magic spell that let you control your minions first hand.
Just hope we will see some real torment this time! Those torturea parts are so nice and evil... kjäh, kjäh, kjäh!

Seriously it would be nice to see this title released in some format. Hard to say how it will work in MMORPG format... Training, minion and money grinding does not appeal in big scale.
I never played the 2nd, but the first was a lot of fun. Though I don't like the mmo (price) model, this one would be interesting.
I tried it Dungeon Keeper but was disappointed when i saw that when you pay to play: you can have weps that deals 10X damage than free to play people... so made me ditch the game

I then tried DDO and this is the real deal: when you don't pay you still have access to 80% of the game but take longer to do the same thing than VIP'S...

DDO.com thats the real free to play stuff!!
[citation][nom]dextermat[/nom]I tried it Dungeon Keeper but was disappointed when i saw that when you pay to play:[/citation]

Think you have the games mixed up Dungeon Keeper was a single player builder game..you never fought other players.
It was one of my first game that is good to be evil...😛

I miss the old DK and DK2... they were fun!

Too bad... the evil EA stopped the almost finished DK3...>_<

oh well... if is still a RTS DK... I will be very interested... however a MMORPG? not sure... most likely... no thanks.. why can't they make it like the satrcraft 2?
You can't compete with WoW. It may be sad but it's true. Nothing has come even close to competing with WoW. The only thing that is going to topple that behemoth is time. As players get tired of it they may leave for other games. However, then you have to wonder as well if people will just end up too attached to their characters to leave the game they've spent so much time on.
I agree Fusion the only way Wow is going to start being faded out is when blizzard stops making new exp packs aka the game ends. Too many of the hardcore MMO players are neck deep in Wow have put too much time in the game to just give up and move on, as long as they are still having fun. Casuals may make up the majority of MMO players but a game wont go anywhere if it only has casuals playing, the Hardcore MMO players keep games running, AH stocked, share knowledge, etc.

Every new MMO my guild has about 5-10 people try the new MMO out, about a month later they have canceled the new MMO and are back to playing an alt instead.
DK was awesome... DK2 was almost as awesome... I'm pretty sure DK-online won't live up to my expectations because... first of all: DK is a RTS game, not a roll playing game, damn it!
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