DVD Combo drive wont work properly in XP


Apr 11, 2008
I have a Lite-On iHAS624 sATA DVD Combo drive. When I bought it I had Vista installed and it worked great without any issues. I have sinced wiped my computer and installed XP pro w/ SP3 instead (because I only have 1gb of RAM I find the XP runs faster overall but that is neither here nor there).

In Windows XP the drive shows up under My Computer as a CD-ROM drive, or DVD-RAM drive. If I right click and go to properties there is no Recording tab that shows up. I am not able to use the built in XP burning tool to burn files to a CD, and most third party software like Roxio 7 and up also will not detect it as a drive that I can write to.

However, some programs do use it to burn just fine. For example, I can use iTunes to write a CD using the drive. I am also able to use Alcohol 120% to burn image files without any problems at all.

I have tried to remove the device from Device Manager and let windows reinstall it. I have also tried to get up to date drivers for by letting windows search for it. I downloaded a tool from the manufacturer website to update firmware and drives but that also did not resolve the problem.

Is there anyone out there that has a suggestion besides having to go back to vista or get a new combo drive?

Go Start then Run and in the Open box, type regedit and hit Enter. Navigate as you would in the folders structure in Windows Explorer to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE>\SYSTEM>\CurrentControlSet>Control>Class>{4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} From the File menu, select Export and tell the system to pop it in the Desktop for safe-keeping. Name it Fred or Doris - whatever you fancy. Back in the Registry Editor, delete that key. Close the editor from the File>Exit menu and restart the computer. Windows should now reinstall the drivers for the device and it ought to work properly. There is another Registry suggestion if this one fails so post back one way or the other. Hang on to that backed-up Key for a while, just in case.