DVD ROM missing after installation of SSD


Feb 1, 2018
Not too long ago I upgraded from a Hard Drive to a SSD. I moved the OS over and all is well and working except that my DVD ROM is now not opening/can't be found on device manager.

I'm a novice with all of this (albeit I installed some ram and that SSD) but I was wondering if the cord that's currently plugged into my SSD was the power source to my DVD ROM. I believe , not 100% sure, that perhaps the DVD ROM power source was connected to my hard drive.

If anyone could shine some light on this/have a solution it'd be greatly appreciated.

Your DVD drive needs both SATA data & SATA power (one from the PSU, the other from the drive to the motherboard).

If you repurposed those connectors for the SSD, then the DVD drive won't be detected.

Ensure it's connected to power, and there's a sata cable from the drive to the motherboard.

Hey thank you so much!! Does that mean I may have to purchase a SATA power cable?
You'll need as many SATA data cables are you have SATA drives (SSDs, HDDs, disk drives).

For power, you generally only have as many SATA power cables as comes with the PSU to begin with.
There are adapters that'll take Molex to SATA to give you an additional connector, but some of those can be pretty poorly made - although I've never had any issues myself.