
Apr 30, 2012
I am replacing my ide dvd writer with a sata one. However the ribbon like cable on the ide dvd writer is connected to (a) the dvd writer itself,(b) the hard disk drive and (c) the motherboard. However the sata cable that came with the new dvd writer has only 2 connectors (one for the writer itself and one for the motherboard. Do I need therefore not need to connect it to the hard disk drive? or must I purchase another cable? Your help is much appreciated. Thank you in anticipation. Louis.....


Apr 30, 2012
I am replacing my ide dvd writer with a sata one. However the ribbon like cable on the ide dvd writer is connected to (a) the dvd writer itself,(b) the hard disk drive and (c) the motherboard. However the sata cable that came with the new dvd writer has only 2 connectors (one for the writer itself and one for the motherboard. Do I need therefore not need to connect it to the hard disk drive? or must I purchase another cable? Your help is much appreciated. Thank you in anticipation. Louis.....


Apr 30, 2012
I am replacing my ide dvd writer with a sata one. However the ribbon like cable on the ide dvd writer is connected to (a) the dvd writer itself,(b) the hard disk drive and (c) the motherboard. However the sata cable that came with the new dvd writer has only 2 connectors (one for the writer itself and one for the motherboard. Do I need therefore not need to connect it to the hard disk drive? or must I purchase another cable? Your help is much appreciated. Thank you in anticipation. Louis.....


To use a sata drive your motherboard must have a sata connection for it. Assuming it has the proper connection you should be able to remove the ide cd drive disconnecting the cable from it, but leaving it attached to the motherboard and hard drive. Then put in your sata drive and just have that cable connected to your new cd drive and motherboard. Sata devices just operate with one device per cable unlike the older ide setup, but your hard drive will still need to remain on the ide cable.

With IDE, you could attach two devices on one IDE cable. With SATA, you can have only one device per cable. Your Hard drive is still IDE, so you can continue to use the IDE ribbon cable to attach it to the motherboard. You use tha SATA cable to attach the DVD writer to the motherboard.