
Nov 2, 2012
Hi guys my problem is I have a GT560 Ti Graphics Card Which has 2 DVI Outputs and 1 HDMI Output.

I Have A Sony 42 inches LCD TV and Samsung SyncMaster S22B370 LED Monitor(1 HDMI and 1 VGA Input). I have connected my graphics card to both my TV and Monitor.

I play games like FIFA, Assasins Creed and watch movies on my TV. I play other games like COD BO2, Hitman, Far cry 3 and other sorts things on my monitor.

Now I have connected HDMI Cable to TV and DVI to Monitor using the adapter(DVI to VGA) since my monitor does not support DVI input.

My question is this, If I buy a DVI to HDMI Adapter and connect it to my monitor, will the quality be better than VGA and as good as HDMI?

At high resolutions digital signals such as DVI-D, HDMI and DisplayPort will offer noticeably better picture quality than VGA. It is recommended to use a digital signal wherever possible. Run the HDMI cable to your TV for audio playback and get a single link DVI to HDMI converter for your monitor.
You should avoid VGA as much as possible. VGA is analogue. If you use VGA, your graphic card's d/a converter will do digital to analogue conversion. Then at the LCD TV's input the signal will have to be converted back to digital as digital is the native source of LCD displays.