dxgkrnl.sys BSOD BCCode: 0x00000116 DirectX Graphics Kernel Error


Aug 4, 2013
So basically I got this Blue Screen of Death which caused the screen to have black bars often when scrolling and then just freak out before causing the screen to go black and then showing the BSOD error screen:

Small note on my computer, It's a Dell XPS 8100 in which I switched the dying Radeon 5770 for a Radeon 7770 and replaced the crappy OEM power supply with a CX600 watt corsair one, as well as replacing the ram with kingston hyperx 4x 2GB sticks and a new western digital hard drive.

System Info:
OS: Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit (6.1, Build 7601)
BIOS: Network:MBA v12.0.3 Slot 0500 (this looks weird, haven't noticed it change since I installed this graphics card and hard drive but I guess I changed it)
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU 860 @ 2.80GHz (8CPUs), ~2.8GHz
Memory: 8192GB RAM
Page File: 3716MB used, 12584MB available
DirectX Version: DirectX11

Graphics Card:
AMD Radeon HD 7770
Resolution - 1920 x 1080
Monitor: Dell S2230MX_Analog

BSOD Info:
BCCode: 116
BCP2: FFFFF88004883D88
BCP3: 0000000000000000
BCP4: 0000000000000002
OS VERSION: 6_1_7601

Caused by Driver: dxgkrnl.sys
Caused by Address: dxgkrnl.sys+5d140
File Description: DirectX Graphics Kernel

other files that may have affected (I am using bluescreenview 64-bit to see):
atikmpag.sys (ProductName: AMD Driver, File Description: AMD multi-vendor Miniport Driver)
dxgmms1.sys (ProductName: Microsoft Windows OS, File Description: DirectX Graphics MMS)

NOTE: I am fully updated on all important Windows updates besides a silverlight update and security update for Internet Explorer 11, which I don't even use.

So basically, how do I fix this and prevent it from reoccuring?
does dell allow that upgrade on that computer?? is the new card a dell part?? you should look around at all the 100's of posts of folks the try to do this kind of upgrade on these store bought computers and it just wount most all are ''fixed'' so you cant and damage there computer and come back on them for it .... but I hope I am wrong on the one you got so good luck...