NightAntilli :
Let me just put some things here from this article:
On page 2, the main problem is stated...
- GameWorks restricts developer access to the source code
- Developers agree that access to the source code is often vital.
- nVidia charges developers for access to the source code
Let me tell you what this actually translates to. It means that if something is working well on an nVidia card through the GameWorks API, but developers are having trouble getting it to work right on an AMD card, it means developers have to pay nVidia to get access to the source code to fix things, or AMD has to do it for the developer. The problem is obvious here...
Also, your Mantle argument is nonsense. Mantle is actually open. It was made to counter GameWorks. Not by putting restrictions on nVidia, but rather by trying to make nVidia's restrictions irrelevant. It's nVidia that refused to support it... From PC World:
Although AMD has had unexpected success with developers adopting Mantle, it was unlikely to become a standard without the support of its chief competitor Nvidia.
One thing's for sure, while Nvidia ignored Mantle it can’t ignore Vulkan
There's a reason Mantle was 'dropped', and that it was transformed into Vulkan, the OpenGL API. Vulkan's main source code is pretty much a mirror of Mantle. DX12 also adopted Mantle codes. Again, it's about making nVidia's closed proprietary stuff irrelevant.
Back to the Extremetech article... Page 3:
Nvidia’s dedication to great experiences is narrowly constrained to great experience on Nvidia hardware, whereas Valve is more concerned with building code that runs well on every system.
From the conclusion:
Everyone we spoke to also recognized that GameWorks libraries are more difficult for AMD to optimize and that the company has a legitimate reason to be concerned about this. For better or worse, the GameWorks program has the potential to shift the industry towards a development and optimization model that’s closer to the Nvidia way of doing business than the AMD equivalent. AMD, with its emphasis on standards compliance and collaborative effort, believes this is a bad thing.
Take that for what you may. It's obvious to me... AMD actually wants what's better for the industry thinking that's the way they can grow as a company, while nVidia wants more for themselves and less for everybody else, thinking that's how they can grow as a company.
Mantle was made to make AMD crap cpus look better vs. Intel and at the same time give a leg up on all since it only works on GCN. We had no need for it, as OpenGL can already do this stuff. See Cass Everitt's/John Mcdonald's speech at steam Dev days.
The front page says it all in the slides. How OpenGL can massively lower driver overhead. The room was full of devs with eyes wide open. They just didn't know you could do this stuff (well, Carmack does...LOL which is what he said on stage previously-no need for mantle). This just proves Mantle was a power grab that failed. They also had to know it was coming in DX12 as NV said they'd been working on it with MS for 4yrs and they had working drivers and a forza demo last march.
So forbes publishes an anti NV article claiming crap and extremetech themselves say this in the first P:
"This kicked off a series of events, including our own
inability to duplicate similar results "...ROFL. So lots of worry, no proof. AMD just can't afford to do the same, and Mantle isn't open, they couldn't fund it to fruition. Intel was told to take a hike 4 times while trying to get access. IN order to run the code you had to make a GCN gpu, and Intel/NV would never do that. Therefore it isn't open. Are some of the ideas used in Vulkan? Sure, but now in a way all can use. PCPER article shows it isn't Mantle, it's completely different. Its comic you're quoting AMD's OPINIONS of Gameworks as fact. But in your same page 3 when you ask devs:
"Developers say: Hurting AMD probably wasn’t the primary motive."
I'll go with devs when the whiner is the one who consistently mismanages their budget and due to this has no money for R&D for core stuff DONE RIGHT, like gameworks, gsync, better DirectX drivers etc. We'll see if they get it right on freesync (LOL@that name) once drivers are finally available (monitors already out, but no drivers, CF drivers a month later etc). As Sweeney said, there is no need for a company to give up source to valuable IP they developed. But NV will give it for a fee. What do you expect; they are in business to make money. AMD apparently isn't as they've lost 6B in the last dozen or so years. Cuda makes MONEY, OpenCL doesn't. Same story. Open is great, but if you try to live that way for all things you end up broke.
Everyone in the industry wants to control things; AMD just doesn't have enough money to get their stuff pushed as much. You can blame that on consoles, stripping R&D from core products, and paying 3x for ATI what they should have paid. AMD needs to concentrate on making better drivers (like NV CLEARLY did with DirectX) instead of whining.
Mantle was going to do the same thing as gameworks (if it succeeded), but they failed. It only runs on AMD GCN cores (not even older AMD products, so specifically you need GCN or go fly a kite). That means NO NV or INTEL without them paying for a GCN lic. They never intended to release it OPEN and it NEVER has run on anything but GCN. You can bet your arse if they did, NV/INTEL would have had to pay a lic fee to MAKE GCN compatible cores that would run on it (same IP fee Intel pays to Nv now basically). That is business suicide, so no surprise neither did it nor planned to (Intel tried, but no code access because it would give away AMD GCN secrets and as noted WASN’T OPEN). Neither side would want to put GCN in as a defacto standard as it would hurt them every rev from then on as AMD always would have it first. Also don’t forget it was to give AMD’s lagging cpus a leg up on Intel.
At least you can pay for gameworks access if needed, or they have a choice to just ignore it and not even support it's enhancements (as Sweeney noted, devs do it with eyes wide open). AMD/INTEL have played this game before many times (as the article mentions for AMD it was bullet physics, NV physx, Intel Havok etc). AMD went into consoles hoping it would give them a leg up on optimizations out of the gate if games were all made on CONSOLE first (amd gpu/cpu) vs. everything else as they were with the last gen pretty much. But sales sucked for a year and most realize MOBILE/PC have unit share and devs went there first now. OOOPS. GDC this month still shows this; PC's garner 56%, Mobile at 49, and everything else below 30. Gameworks MIGHT tilt things NV's way (if abused), but it was designed to help small devs who can't afford to do all their effects in house quickly or cheaply. AMD could get the code if desired too, but as noted for a FEE. Again, don't forget Mantle was also going to help give a leg up to their crap cpus vs. Intel and again this is why they told Intel go fly a kite multiple times. It was always designed to make their GPU/CPU look good, not merely to help us gamers get good games.
I don't see Intel sharing stuff like Quicksync with AMD either. Everyone does this crap if they can afford to. AMD tried and failed with mantle, and as a last resort handed it to Khronos (headed by Nvidia...LOL) hoping for the best and then it was gutted (HLSL etc..Changes on both cpu/gpu sides) by the GROUP effort.
Extremetech's conclusion:
"But effective vigilance requires clear-eyed analysis — not a predetermined declaration of guilt or innocence. While AMD’s concerns are valid, Nvidia deserves a chance to make a case for how GameWorks can be good thing for the gaming market."
You've got them predetermined as guilty, when as we've seen with dx11/12 overall, it's probably just crap drivers (hardocp said they haven't updated since the game hit, no surprise on perf then).
Its clear NV spent heavily on optimizing DX11 and 12, while AMD wasted money on mantle which affects almost no games (NV went after almost all windows games via dx11 enhancements, and clearly dx12 too). NV was chosen to demo dx12 with an XBOX1 game for a reason (forza demo). They already had good DX12 drivers, and you see this in anandtech's review also. Even the lowly 750ti is wasting the 290x in DX11 star swarm (never mind the 980). NV’s dx11 work affects almost all games on windows.
Note how DIFFERENT PCper's take is on how much mantle is in Vulkan. While PCworld just let AMD talk and glamorize themselves (anandtech did the same), PCper shows it's a completely different animal and the most hyped features are removed (HLSL):
"HLSL was quite popular because Windows and Xbox were very popular platforms to target a game for. When AMD made Mantle, one of their selling points was that the Mantle shading language was just HLSL."
"Khronos is doing something else entirely." Yeah, they totally removed it's main selling point. "Rather than adopting HLSL or hoping that driver developers could maintain parity between GLSL and it, they completely removed shader compilation from the driver altogether."
The PCworld article is comic. AMD has had unexpected success getting mantle used in games? Only when AMD paid them...LOL. Whatever. Note Neil's comment in there now (head of Khonos and NV mobile division and came up with OpenGL ES, also Jon Peddie's comment in there, no advantage). But read PCper's review of Vulkan and understand it is NOT Mantle and AMD will have no advantage here; they'll have to make better drivers to get any advantage now. Also they'll have to make a better cpu, as mantle won't be helping them get a leg up on Intel (everyone gets Vulkan/DX12 gains if they optimize for them). You grow your company by putting out a better product than your enemy and getting pricing power. Gameworks creates better games, not worse. It allows small devs to use pre-packaged code that just works for some effects, so they can concentrate on the rest of the game. A big dev might have the resources to make things that work everywhere, but a small one appreciates the packaged effects they don' t have to take the time to create themselves.