E2200 with HD 4850, bottleneck???


Jul 4, 2010
recently i want to buy vga ati hd 4850, but i`m worrying about bottleneck :sweat: :sweat: .
its my spec :
Proc: E2200 2.2 GH
Ram: 2 gb pc 6400 (single channel)
PSU: Simbadda 450 watt

is my PC compatible with hd 4850, or it will be bottleneck???

help me plizz :cry: :cry: :cry:

Your motherboard allows for overclocking and you should do so. You should be able to easily get that processor up to 3ghz and beyond which will make it fine to pair with an HD4850. At stock it will certainly limit the card in the more CPU intensive games.
I think so, but i dont really understand about overclocking... so its hopeless for me:cry:

if i buy hd 4850 with my current cpu surely it will be bottleneck, right?

so with my budget $130 which one better, buy hd 4850 or upgrade my processor to core2quad? :??:
It depends on the game, for example my E4500 would bottleneck my 4670 in C&C 3 when I go up against several Brutal AI.
Overall I don't think it's bottleneck it too much if you turn the settings up to high/very high and maybe AA.