E5400 cpu in MCP73 mobo


Mar 29, 2010
I have just installed a E5400 intel CPU into my Acer Aspire. It started up, but then the CPU fan kicked on full blast and the PC powered down. I am wondering if this is a Bios issue or if the Mobo and CPU just aren't compatible.
Mobo info:
Main Board ID: MCP73
Main Board manu.: Acer
Bios ID: R01-A3

Just a little info that a wrote down.. Thanks a ton if anyone can give me any insight.
Did you use enough thermal paste when installing this new proc? How long was it on for before it shut down? If you didnt use enough paste it may have overheated.
I also undertand that these are very vague questions with not very much info.
I tried to look up what bios that i would need and i really dont even know.. The PC that came with the processor that i bought has a completely different bios. I am just so lost. 🙁
Well.. It only came with thermal paste on the new CPU fan, which wouldn't fit on my mobo. There was still thermal paste on my old CPU fan so I just figured that would be enough.