E6700 @ 3 Ghz (12% OC)

So I overclocked my Core 2 Duo E6700 CPU to 3.00 GHz.

That is about 12.5%

Is that a decent overclock considering I am using stock voltage and OEM cooler? It is stable with 30 minutes of prime95

I noticed the VCORE drops all the way down to 1.195 under full load
which seems like quite a bit. The BIOS is set to VID which is 1.2375
That should be fairly stable for it....I'm overclocking an E6700 in a Socket 775 board myself....although this one has a locked BIOS and is OEM, (O/C viz-a-viz SetFSB). I've decided on an O/C of 10-11% , to mimic the next higher up speed of the C2D family CPU @ 2.93GHZ (2.941 w/SetFSB). I've had zero problems and my temps are 28/30C on idle, gaming @ 50C. Carry on!

Did you up the voltages? Good luck! have fun!