News Easy Mod Lowers Alder Lake CPU Temps by 5 Degrees Celsius

"doesn't matter if the washer is metal or plastic. " left corner looks sketchy to have a metal washer there, especially if it moves & then apply force to it

that paint surface could scratch so easy and have exposed traces there; I wouldn't risk it, use 4 plastic washers
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Easy Mod Lowers Alder Lake CPU Temps by 5 Degrees Celsius
The correct title is: Alder Lake CPUs are bending under ILM pressure because they did a s****y job.

I like how this site spins something negative about intel into a positive...

Another (early adopter) issue/reason not to get AL... wait for Raptor Lake, this should be fixed by then. Maybe it get's fixed sooner, but who cares, this is not good at all.

Who likes to see their CPUs bent? 🙄

I'm glad Zen does not have this issue.
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The correct title is: Alder Lake CPUs are bending under ILM pressure because they did a s****y job.

I like how this site spins something negative about intel into a positive...

Another (early adopter) issue/reason not to get AL... wait for Raptor Lake, this should be fixed by then. Maybe it get's fixed sooner, but who cares, this is not good at all.

Who likes to see their CPUs bent? 🙄

I'm glad Zen does not have this issue.
Dude, let go of your hate... it's a problem with mobo makers cheaping out, just like there where soooo many issues with ryzen on many boards because they cheaped out on proper bios chips or even just proper bios updates.
In a previous investigation, Igor's Lab noted that some motherboard vendors were using materials that didn't meet the required specifications for the socket holder. It ended up warping the processor.

Also ZEN has a 10 degree Celsius lower tjmax (90 vs 100) so even with this 5 degrees intel still has a higher cap making it easier to cool.
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I think problem with this is that the 1mm washer may be the best for the cooling solution Igor's Lab tested, but may not the best for everyone else.

Then again is good to know a few washers may help with it.
Both this article and the one at Igor's Lab mention the washers as being a "fix" for a bent CPU, but it seems more like they'd be a preventive measure? If your CPU is already bent (as shown in the pictures from Igor's Lab), it doesn't seem like adding washers after the fact would revert that (although maybe it'd prevent it from getting worse).