EcoTerrorists With Bomb Arrested Near IBM Facility

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Out of curiousity, why are these people considered eco-terrorists? It seems like they are more of the anti-technology variety. Or do they just believe that such human endeavors are raping the planet?
How about just call them what they are - terrorists. I mean, if they were going to bomb the site, I don't what their motivations were, it was all based on causing terror and fear.

Throw the book at them.
"The group describes itself as anarchist and is opposed to all forms of micro-technology as well as nuclear power and weapons."
Weapons? Isn't that ironic?
Reminds me of Mitch Hedberg: "I'm against picketing, but I don't know how to show it"
[citation][nom]isamuelson[/nom]How about just call them what they are - terrorists. I mean, if they were going to bomb the site, I don't what their motivations were, it was all based on causing terror and fear.Throw the book at them.[/citation]
And lets remove the names of all types of cancers? There are many different terrorists and if you just say "terrorists" to the average stupid Joe he thinks of some Taliban from Afghanistan.

Just like the comment higher up about South Park. As much as that was a joke many people probably don't see that Islamic extremism is not the same thing as this - which is very important to differ if you want to get to the root of the problem.

By the way...what book are you referring to?
i just wonder how secret was the secret meeting ?? ... i mean was it super duper secret? or just don't tell my mommy secret? ... i guess they are all using invisibility cloaks
the only effective solution to world environmental problem is a human engineered one.

Except these air heads cannot comprehend whats done is done and that now best we can do is to use technology fix technologically created problems.
Wouldn't Eco-terrorists want to promote technology that would use less resources to create and less energy to use? Seems a little mixed up to me.
[citation][nom]micr0be[/nom]i guess they are all using invisibility cloaks[/citation]

Hippie #1: "We'll be able to successfully carry off our bombings against major technology producers now that we have our new Invisibility Cloaks!"

Hippie #2: "Aren't those made using new technologies?"

Hippie #1: "Noooooooooooo!"

Hippie #2: "Dude, you sound just like Vader at the end of Episode 3"

Hippie #1: "You have a television?!?!!! TRAITOR!!! Plus everyone knows that Episodes 1 through 3 don't count"

Hippie #3: "Hey pass that joint over here"
We need to put the fear back into the justice system. No one is afraid of the consequences of their actions. In the US, a lot of killers kill because they know they will get out in 3-5 years because of the overcrowded prisons and lenient penalties.
Either criminals are getting dumber and dumber, or this was a setup. I love the "routine traffic stop" ... what did they have the bomb on the dash? Or maybe in the baby seat in the back? And they were carrying a letter that references the attack? Come on. Really?
[citation][nom]isamuelson[/nom]How about just call them what they are - terrorists. I mean, if they were going to bomb the site, I don't what their motivations were, it was all based on causing terror and fear.Throw the book at them.[/citation]

Duh, only middle easterners are terrorists. This is what makes me sadly disappointed with our country. If they were linked with Al-Qaeda these guys would be getting the old water board treatment by now at Gitmo and this would be all over the news. Eco-terrorists...sheeesh. Makes it sound like they are going to go poo on IBM's front lawn...
Man, that's just stupid. Its like a pro-lifer taking a bomb to a abortion clinic. Do these idiots have any idea what chemicals might be released during the explosion that ends up being released into the environment. Shoot, even household cleaners aren't something you want to dump into your backyard. This guy should be shot for stupidity.
Can somebody explain how someone could believe they are justified to kill people they don't even know? I mean, this isn't a military base, or a prison, its a flipping research facility.
[citation][nom]schmich[/nom]"The group describes itself as anarchist and is opposed to all forms of micro-technology as well as nuclear power and weapons."Weapons? Isn't that ironic?Reminds me of Mitch Hedberg: "I'm against picketing, but I don't know how to show it"And lets remove the names of all types of cancers? There are many different terrorists and if you just say "terrorists" to the average stupid Joe he thinks of some Taliban from Afghanistan.Just like the comment higher up about South Park. As much as that was a joke many people probably don't see that Islamic extremism is not the same thing as this - which is very important to differ if you want to get to the root of the problem.By the way...what book are you referring to?[/citation]

Whats the problem with calling them what they are.. terrorists. if they want to be looked at like a islamic extremist thats thier problem. they are what they are. putting eco in front of it to alot of people will justify what they are doing anyways as if they are really doing it for a good cause. They will get NO WHERE doing this.

Cancer is is so many ways different then how you were trying to put the two together.. Terrorist have only one treatment put them away for a long time so they can think about the people they hurt either directly or indirectly they hurt people.
So let me get this straight: they label themselves ecoterrorists because they are against microtechnology.

So, they were caught driving a... car, with it's electronic engine managment system, abs, electronic stability control, volumetric alarm, airbags, radio, even perhaps GPS, and they were carrying a bomb, which, unless it is made out of a bottle filled with alcohol or gasoline and a piece of cloth, I'd say also incorporates technology...

Why are people so stupid they can't even be coherent ? Being an Ecoterrorist is a contradiction of terms! They should do peaceful demonstrations, not this!
[citation][nom]schmich[/nom]There are many different terrorists and if you just say "terrorists" to the average stupid Joe he thinks of some Taliban from Afghanistan.Just like the comment higher up about South Park. As much as that was a joke many people probably don't see that Islamic extremism is not the same thing as this - which is very important to differ if you want to get to the root of the problem.By the way...what book are you referring to?[/citation]
Nope, they're just terrorists. Creating superfluous labels like "eco" terrorists is a waste of time. It was someone's idea to make it seem like what these guys were doing was somehow not as bad as what the Taliban or al qaeda do. There's good reasons to differentiate types of cancer. There's not good reasons to differentiate types of terrorists.

As for the book, it's a figure of speech; however if you want to be specific and overly literal then the Klencke atlas should do nicely.
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