ECS CNR modem


Aug 20, 2001
Just wanted to tell you of a problem I had with an ECS CNR modem.

I recently obtained an MSI KT3ultra 2 mobo, which has 5 PCI and 1 CNR slot. Being low on funds and thinking that I might as well use that CNR slot, I bought the ECS CNR modem. What a mistake.

First off it came out of the box with no drivers. It was kinda hard to download drivers with no working modem.

So I went to a friends house and downloaded the drivers. Turns out that the win 2k/xp drivers wouldn't load. I would start up the wizard, select the .inf file, and couldn't continue as the modem name wouldn't come up on the components list.

Since I was having soem trouble loading up the childrens's games anyway, I decide to drop down to Win 98. I load up the win 98 drivers and the computer crashes whenever I try to use the modem.

I tried it a few more times, with fresh windows installs, and even went back to the store and got them to give me the drivers on a CD (which ended up being the exact same as the ones that I downloaded). No go. Modem doesn't work. Computer crashes.

Out of desperation I try loading the win 98 drivers on win 2k and then tried to upgrade them to the windows 2000 drivers. As soon as I selected the modem in device manager the PC would crash.

So I return the modenm to the store and trade it in for a "real" modem. The store manager said that I was the first person to order their CNR modem. A few days later I notice that they have yanked it from their online webpage. Good riddance.

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Personally I would never have considered a CNR modem considering that modems nowadays are extremely cheap. You can't have saved alot by going for the CNR. Instead you got a lot of problems. I hope your real modem didn't cause you the same problems.

<i><b>Engineering is the fine art of making what you want from things you can get</b></i>
<A HREF="" target="_new">My systems</A>
The CNR was $18 CAD. My new A-Open was $54 CAD, so there is quite a difference.

The A-Open is a bit better, but still nowhere as good as my old USR modem. Too bad imy USR was ISA. I really miss that old modem. It got me through thick and thin with narry a hiccup. My new fm56 PX seems to occasionally get stuck, or else the connection slows down to a crawl and then is dropped. I really wish that I could afford a new USR modem, but it's twice as expensive as the a-open model and that's more than I'm willing to pay for such an outdated piece of technology as a modem.

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