
Feb 14, 2013
On-board Nnvidia IDE Controller 100/133 , is failing to recognize any drive geometry larger than 32gig's,m even though it see's the drives name is in the proper location, etc.

Could this have been from a virus, and will flashing the bios most likely resolve this issue.
No to flashing the bios. It has nothing to do with your hardrive partition size. Your windows operating system may limit the capacity of each partition of your hardrive or you may need to use a program such as partition magic to reset the partition size and save your old files to avoid a format; windows 7 has a program for setting the hardrive partitions, but I've never used it.

Thanks for the suggestion, actually it seems the onboard Ide controller are there for supporting cdrom,s only, or at minimum less than 132 gb ide drives, I placed a sata hard drive in the system and iy suupted all of the enhanced features, higher dma limits etc,..