[Edit]First time builder [compatible/viable?] Please help


Dec 15, 2012
Im going to be using this computer for just about everything to Gaming, editing, streaming, etc. These are my new parts i picked out I was told if you stick to the same brand the parts are always compatible but i just want to make sure.

http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819116501 - CPU

http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813121533 - MoBo

http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820220708 - RAM
[Not sure if its a good idea to max the RAM on the MoBa or not but i wouldnt mind spending the cash]

http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814130768 -Graphics'

Everything else i buy should be compatible like my HDD? Even if it runs on SATA 2 cables or would i be able to run it on SATA 3 because of the motherboard? I dont intend to overclock i just need to know if these are all good together and what woul be a good power supply to run it.
So far you have selected some real nice parts. You won't max the memory on that mobo it takes 32GB max.

Here some PSU choices:
CORSAIR Professional Series Gold AX850 (CMPSU-850AX) 850W ATX12V v2.31 / EPS12V v2.92 80 PLUS GOLD Certified Full Modular $179

SILVERSTONE Strider Gold Evolution SST-ST75F-G Evolution 750W ATX 12V v2.3 / EPS 12V 80 PLUS GOLD Certified 100% Modular $154

For storage; get an SSD for your OS and programs, something like a 128GB and get a 1 TB 7200 RPM for files and such.

Gaming, editing, streaming & you dont intend to overclock

1. what will you edit?
2. If you plan on getting the K version might as well invest on a Z77 board.

32gig of rams is too much not unless you plan on rendering 3D graphics or editing large amounts of photos or vids. Im not saying that the 3770k is not good, but might as well consider getting into AMD if you plan on doing multitasking. and can save more $$$

For now seeing how i dont want to top a 2k limit im not going with the SSD just a 1tb hdd. I can transfer my OS somehow right? I should have no problems with these parts and a 850w psu?

Also, do you know anything about usb wifi adapters? Do i just plug it into my computer and then im able to connect? And it should be compatible with any pc right?

Its my first time buildig a pc i dont want to end up ruining my parts especially because i dont even know how to overclock.