Question Effect of a faulty PSU on my RTX 3050 or any other components ?

May 26, 2024
i just recently made a pc with RTX 3050 along with i5 12 gen and Gigabyte H610 motherboard but i have made the mistake of using a second-hand 600w PSU. I just used my pc for about 2 weeks and haven't put load on it, just used MS Word and Visual Studio Code for normal coding.

The issue i face is that 1 out of 10 times the PC does not start, it just turns on the RGB fans for a second and then turns off. Meanwhile the keyboard and mouse lights are on which means power is in the PC but it is not starting the GPU and CPU.

I guess my PSU is faulty and am going to replace it with CORSAIR 650 watt. But my concern is that the usage so far may have affected my GPU and CPU or any other component considering I haven't used it much and haven't put load on it. How can i check nothing is damaged ?

While runnning my PC the system has never crashed and never hanged till now.
May 26, 2024
i just recently made a pc with RTX 3050 along with i5 12 gen and gigabyte h610 mother board but i have done a mistake of using a second hand 600 PSU. I just used my pc for about 2 weeks and haven't put load on it just used MS word and vs code for normal coding. The issue i face is that 1 out 10 times the pc does not start its just turns on RGB fans for a second and then turns off meanwhile the keyboard and mouse lights are on which means power is in the PC just it is not starting the GPU and CPU. Ig my PSU is faulty and am going to replace it with CORSAIR 650 watt. But my concern is that is tha usage till now going to effect my GPU and CPU or any other component considering i havent used it much and havent put load on it. How can i check nothing is damaged. One thing more (while runnning my PC the system never crashed and never hanged till now)


Welcome to the forums, newcomer!

When posting a thread of troubleshooting nature, it's customary to include your full system's specs. Please list the specs to your build like so:
CPU cooler:
include the age of the PSU apart from it's make and model. BIOS version for your motherboard at this moment of time.

CORSAIR 650 watt
Corsair is the brand of the unit while 650W is the advertised wattage of the unit. What model are you looking at from Corsair's portfolio?

As for your PSU purchase, please stop investing in second hand parts...the PSU is considered to be the heart of your system.
May 26, 2024
yeah i understand thats why am gonna replace it with a new one meanwhile it would be great if you can suggest me a Suitable PSU for my system and also any idea if till now the hardware would have been affected or not. Specs of PC are given below

CPU: i5 1240F
CPU cooler: Ausen A 100 with 4 custom fans for ventilation
Motherboard: Gigabytes H610M S2H DDR4
Ram: 16 GB
GPU: RTX 3050
PSU: 6OO WATT Second hand
Chassis: Custom
OS: Window 11 PRO
Monitor: DELL
the PSU is basically a second hand one not repaired and its age is not confirm neither the company