emachine d620 m52257,when i press power button the power light comes on

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Feb 17, 2015
hi wonder if anyone can help me
i have an emachine d620 m52257,
when i press power button the power light comes on and the fan spins for about 10 seconds thn stops and i have nothing on the display and machine wont boot , also when i goto turn off it wont turn of (green pwr light stays on )
any help would be appreciated ,
i have unplugged battery held power switch for 1 min. also reheated the cpu but no avail ..i have removed memory ect. and tried reboot but i cant get anything on the display, also there is no post / bios beeps to recognize the fault , also when i turn it on after a couple minutes the prossesor heats up very hot , i think it is either the motherboard or the cpu. other than trying them in another machine (wich im unable to do ) is there anyway to find the fault ,
anyone help me out thanx

The machine I have does the.same bad motherboard and power supply will not run monitor keyboard or mouse and I have to hold the power in for 10 second s to turn it off. Bad system overall go with HP product it's better or Dell.
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