EMachines w3609 compatible processor upgrade


Oct 19, 2012
Hi I've been having a frustrating time trying to upgrade my emachines w3609 first I visited this link here:

The link was provided by intel so that I can find compatible dual-core CPUs for my motherboard, the D945GCL which I couldn't. When I contacted my manufacturer, emachines I asked them about the E6420 duo desktop processor and they responded saying that it was not compatible with my system. my bios is "Intel Corp. CF94510J.15A.0028.2006.1213.1629" and I can not find any available bios on emachines nor the intel website. When I googled for compatible processors with this system I saw a guy said that he manage to buy the E6700 and it runs great on his model, but I was a bit skeptic, after the response from emachines saying that the E6420 will not make my machine work at all, if anyone knows a compatible dual-core processor for the d945gcl that you think will work, please respond

Other specs:
OS(Operating system): Windows Vista home basic 32-bit SP2
Mainboard(Motherboard): D945GCL
RAM: 2GB DDR2 (max motherboard can handle I've heard)
Graphics Card(GFX): ATI RADEON HD 5450
CPU: Intel Celeron D CPU 3.33ghz LGA 775
-L2 CACHE: 512 KB
-FSB: 533 MHZ
-Instruction set: 64bit
I did pick up the Samsung 840Pro /128GB SSD and install it, with the graphics card....because the graphics card required a higher rated PS, I opted for a 550W power Supply.....which seems adequate. There IS some bottle necking of data, but with the overclock (a modest 10%), it seems to have helped. With Windows 8 loaded, it's pretty quick....I am able to get 60FPS hi/30FPS lo on UltraHigh settings in FarCry2 (Benchmark), which seems like that's crappy, but before.....with the GT220.....I would be lucky to get single digits here :) .

While it may seem overkill to max this board, I have really dug the upgrades all along the way over the years and find it satisfying that I can do hardware tweaks to extend the life of this rig. Although...
I'm the guy who upgraded to the E6700 ----with NO PROBLEMS at all....AFTER upgrading the Celeron D to the E4600....AND managed to flash the BIOS from eMachine's original to Gateways' (which addresses some black screen issues at start up and errors on the hard drive). The BIOS is encoded w/Intel chipset data right up to the Intel 965 chipset....although I still doubt quad cores would work, dual cores were planned for.
Anyway, the other dude's link is good and I researched for a long time before I jumped. ...about 6 months and that was years ago. Although not future proof, most games DO run on this rig and I have managed to OC it as well....although I won't discuss the method.
I got my money's worth out of this rig, but do know this: Do NOT get a cheap power supply----that is all. Good luck with your upgrade.
Hey man, thnx for the reply. I recently bought the intel pentium 945(epic fail, bbq roasting series) at 3.4ghz before seeing that anyone responded to this. The E6700 is going right into my shopping cart, depending on how the pentium runs because my cooler is still on the way. much thnx 😀

New PC specs:
GFX: Radeon hd 6670
RAM: 4gb ddr2(did not know my motherboard can handle this)
CPU: Soon to be E6700 maybe?

Hello. I'm pretty new to all things pertaining to upgrading (other than months of gathering info. without commiting to buying anything yet) and Id appreciate any helpful info.

I'm looking to upgrade a w3609 emachines. Seeing as how emachines told you that the e6420 (annd above I imagine) is not compatible, what about a e6400? Preferably Id like to see if a e6700 is possible but I dont know much about BIOS updating and keinan27 apparently had problems findinv BIOS updates from the manufacturer, and am not sure what Id ruin if I atempted BIOS flashing (?).

On a side note: is that Radeon 6670 you upgraded to running off the PCI on thd cofeyville 9945gcl? Isnt the max PCI load on the PCI supposed to be less than 25watts?
Could you please explain what significance is there of having upgraded from Celeron D to e4600 before having gotten the e6700? What problems would I have if I were to attempt upgrading from Celeron D straight to e6700 (or e6400)? Also how necessary is upgrading the BIOS or flashing for that matter(I noticed a previous post of yours mention you added the e6700 although Emachones had no available BIOS updates)?


Could you please explain what significance is there of having upgraded from Celeron D to e4600 before having gotten the e6700? What problems would I have if I were to attempt upgrading from Celeron D straight to e6700 (or e6400)? Also how necessary is upgrading the BIOS or flashing for that matter(I noticed a previous post of yours mention you added the e6700 although Emachones had no available BIOS updates)?


PS: sorry for the double post

Yes it is running off the PCI and works perfectly, it is a really cool low-profile card. I got it from amazon for about 80bux at the time. You can read the reviews here: http://www.amazon.com/HIS-Express-Profile-Graphics-H667FN1G/dp/B0062HIQLU/ref=sr_1_8?ie=UTF8&qid=1361246364&sr=8-8&keywords=radeon+hd+6670 . It's running on a 460watt power supply from cooler master. I'm not sure on whether or not you should upgrade your processor to the e6700 or e6420 yet, I'm going to take the risk and try and tell you how it goes.

You had mentioned you could not find find available BIOS updates; by chance was this what you needed? Or was it somehow incompatible with yours? (I do see an executable windows option): http://downloadcenter.intel.com/SearchResult.aspx?lang=eng&ProductFamily=Desktop+Boards&ProductLine=Intel%c2%ae+945+Express+Chipset+Family+Boards&ProductProduct=Intel%c2%ae+Desktop+Board+D945GCL

edit: not sure if the "cf" "cl" Bios version difference is of any significance. I dont mean to give wrong advice.
For a while I assumed your graphics card was powered by the motherboard. That 6670 looks fancy. Did the 5450 you had before work well for you? (I dont expect any games past BFBC2 to work on it.)

With my old system specs, nope. It is a good card from what I've seen on Youtube and read about. I couldn't get the best performance out of it though with my old setup so sadly I can't answer on that yet. I still have it laying under my bed in the box, will test and give you feedback soon, preferably with a new processor

EMachines has not updated their BIOS for the Coreyville2/D945GCL motherboard...however, after being bought out by Gateway, Gateway had several PC units using the same motherboard....and a newer BIOS. For me, the Gateway BIOS installed without a hitch, as it's running the same board....perhaps with eMachine's microcode embedded.......anyway, research suggests that there was a hard drive issue and black screen booting issues under the eMachine's BIOS.

I'm not really sure if you even need to go to the E4xxx series to upgrade to E6xxx series of Core2Duo....BUT, then I was only able to afford it at the time and when former Pres. Bush was passing out "economic stimuli" a couple of years later, I had "a few" to go further up the C2D food chain. Both installed with no more than just a proper cpu install....no additional software needed. It would seem that the Intel Chipset driver also included and provided for C2D's dual core (965 Chipset Data), but not quad core.....also, there is a FSB cutoff to what WILL run on the mobo. 1066FSB is the limit for D945GCL...so the E6700 qualified. The E4xxx series was 800mhz FSB......so it was under the limit. The voltages being somewhat lower didn't hamper the performance of the C2D....the reason I upgraded from the Celeron to C2D was to improve the function of the PC , as the upgrade path was inherent from the factory.

I hope this helps you....I'm currently running an Nvidia GT220 vid card, but going out tonite for a Samsung Pro 840 SSD and probably a GT650-E ti vid card. You don't want to get too fast of a vid card for this old beast, or it'll bottleneck in a hurry.....if I have improved results, I'll post something in this forum line....

Good luck and let me know if you were as successful as I was!
Have skipped the SSD in favor of the video card, an EVGA nVidia GTX650ti....running like a champ! I like this card, but may have to upgrade the power supply...but it's running very nicely ....cool, quiet and energy efficient in comparison to the previous generation of GPU....yaaaaay, Kepler! :bounce:
I did pick up the Samsung 840Pro /128GB SSD and install it, with the graphics card....because the graphics card required a higher rated PS, I opted for a 550W power Supply.....which seems adequate. There IS some bottle necking of data, but with the overclock (a modest 10%), it seems to have helped. With Windows 8 loaded, it's pretty quick....I am able to get 60FPS hi/30FPS lo on UltraHigh settings in FarCry2 (Benchmark), which seems like that's crappy, but before.....with the GT220.....I would be lucky to get single digits here :) .

While it may seem overkill to max this board, I have really dug the upgrades all along the way over the years and find it satisfying that I can do hardware tweaks to extend the life of this rig. Although the C2D is now long in the tooth, the peripheral equipment purchased and installed will serve me well on the next rig, should I need to do that. I would have loved a more modern Northbridge than the i945G Lakeport, but it is what it is..... I'm rolling with it!
Should you decide to upgrade, research, review, and go carefully.....when I upgraded the CPU, the sound and recognition of the new CPU by the PC on POST was very satisfying.....I wish you luck. OH----a footnote.....Coreyville---no 1066mhz compliance/800mhz FSB max......Coreyville2.....w/1066mhz compliance and what I'm running. The link to Gateway's BIOS.......http://support.gateway.com/s//MOTHERBD/INTEL/4006158R/4006158Rnv.shtml

Good luck, Coreyvillians!!! :hello:
Thanks for the link Pallin, You have been a big help to this thread. Congrats on your upgrade, You have well pushed this system beyonds its limits and helped me out a big deal. I wish you the best.

Hey, thanks a lot for all the posts and info regarding your updates. 1 last thing (hopefully) could you please tell me what you mean (or where you read. cant find it myself) that Coreyville 1 mobos have no 1066fsb compliance? So Im assuming your past C2D upgrades were onto a Coreyville 2 as opposed to keinan's and mine, meaning that any c2d ,e6400 and above if im not mistaken, wouldnt work well, even If I use the BIOS update links you provided? (not that I mind spending $20 on a used <e6400 800 fsb amazon CPU upgrade as opposed to 80ish for the 1066fsb e6700...)

Btw my stock BIOS states "cf.....15a.0032..." so according to Intel it's the minimum for C2D. I also now understand this OEM 15a Mobo's Bios isn't compatible with Intel's 86a updates which I also have to thank your past posts for leading me to realize...

(Did the forum's site change recently? Im looking for a "submit" button since obviously this is not an answering contribution to anything :b)

Well, I can't find or lost the forum link where I read that about Coreyville/800fsb and Coreyville2/1066FSB issues....and yeah, an Intel BIOS won't flash (or wouldn't for me----my thinking is the eMachines/Gateway microcode in the BIOS). My mobo is Coreyville2, although if you have a OEM Coreyville board of a different brand than mine(eMachines/Gateway BIOS), the BIOS COULD be different in regards to the 1066fsb compliance. My experience is what I had w/my OEM D945GCL Coreyville2. But also,know this: this is one of the first few boards that could take the C2D and the changes in the chipset/Northbridge/Southbridge to accommodate it were realized in 965 & 975 chipsets later released. This board was designed BEFORE C2D, but given 965 chipset data and was designed before C2D quads as well.....the Conroes were 800/1066fsb.....the Wolfdales were 1066 & higher..you'll need to check stepping and voltages on your board to see if your chosen C2D will be compliant...the Celeron on this mobo originally was a Conroe...naturally, I went that route, because I knew it would work. Even after checking it out!

Hope that helps....if I find the link to the forum I discovered that on, I'll post it: as well as the Intel pdf.....

(By the way, the GTX650ti does bottleneck(PCIex16 is v1.0 in this board), but you got to find the right setting in the tuning....the Samsung840PRO is running like a champ, plug'n'play, but @ SATA II levels....in case you want to go further in your upgrades).

http://downloadmirror.intel.com/15116/eng/D945GCL_TechProdSpec.pdf (Intel Specs for mobo)
I really invite you download the Intel pdf whitepapers for the D945GCL from Intel's site and read it.....VERY helpful on that upgrading task you're under taking.
(Not the most cheerful week for updates)
After many, MANY delays, I'm glad to say my Coreyville 1 0032 BIOS and revision accepted the e6700 without problems so far in <1 hour of use. Thanks for all the helpful info. and well wishes to all!

Well good luck and enjoy the speed bump.....hopefully, your particular mobo won't experience any errata, but mine has ran flawlessly in the upgrade department for years! But do know that there is a hard drive error issue with the original eMachines BIOS and black screen booting issues as well.....the Gateway BIOS was suppose to deal w/that, but I'm running a dual boot of Vista/Win8 on separate drives , one HDD & one SSD. And the SSD is alot quicker on boot----worth considering if you stay stable! Congrats!!

I to have up graded bios from my emachine to gateway . then to ECS
Have a Gateway W3650 W/ ECS945GCTM3 MB with a 2G celeron running XP , 2GB ram [yes max] [missed newegg $25 dual 755 CPU close out sale]
AND Intel MB 945 , dual Pentium running Ubuntu 12.04.1
Both machines found in/on street . I refurbished with spare components laying around.[my clawhammer died ;-( ,,,]
thanks for info , I am looking for a vid card and lost my notes moving from Baltimore Md 2 years ago . PCIex16 is v1.0 in this board is info I needed.
http://downloadmirror.intel.com/15116/eng/D945GCL_TechP... (Intel Specs for mobo) REF
..http://support.gateway.com/s//MOTHERBD/INTEL/4006158R/4... REF

added ]] further intel 945 GC chipset specs FSB 533/800 [ updated bios will let u run 1067 maybe 1333 FSB CPUs , but not at higher speed ie e4700 [ 2.66 GHZ]should be no problem ,( gateway mb)
but higher chips need bios update [ie 6420 [2.13 GHZ] up to E6700 [2.66GHZ]] 1066 FSB ( intel MB D945 GCL)
DDR2 2GB max , 400/533/667 speed