eMachines? Yes? No?


Dec 31, 2007
<A HREF="http://www.emachines.com/products/products.html?prod=eMachines_T2200SE" target="_new">http://www.emachines.com/products/products.html?prod=eMachines_T2200SE</A>

Even before I looked at the link I would have said no just because I have had too many friends with e-machines that are more trouble than they are worth.

I will hold this view even after looking at the add. True, they make it look like a good system, and it might be, but they give very general specs which usually means they throw in the cheapest components that fit that description. The mobo is an older on and being an older VIA chipset, probably has a lot of issues. You should not settle for anything less than a 333 chipset.
The memory is DDRRAM 2100 when 2700 is the standard now with 3200 starting to catch on.
The optical drives look good with numbers but might be the cheapest drives around that are only useful for burning coasters.
For the sound card they give you a number, but do not mention that it is onboard sound.
The speakers they are giving you aren't that great.
And most importantly they do not tell you anything about the psu that comes with the computer.

You have to realize this is looking at the absolute worst case that could happen, and from my experience with e-machines, this worst case probably wouldn't be to far off.

If you are looking for a prebuilt system try <A HREF="http://www.ibuypower.com" target="_new">http://www.ibuypower.com</A>

<font color=green>My other personality is schitzofrenic.</font color=green>
build your own and then you'll have all the decent parts. oem machines are for people who know little or nothing about computers. 😀

<b><font color=blue>Press 1 if you want to be on hold, 2 for disconnect, 3 for a representative who will put you on hold before disconnecting.</font color=blue></b>
DDR2700 is not the standard, but is only beginning to be adapted. VIA266A chipsets are perfectly stable, just like their 333 counterparts. Any CD-RW drive above 16x has some sort of buffer underrun protection, meaning no coasters. No company save Alienware gives you great speakers, and most name brand manufacturers including Dell have onboard sound. If the Power Supply is suitable to power the system without issues, why would you care who made it?

Basically, I'm not a big fan of emachines, but these simple statements are valid for every name brand computer manufacturer save Alienware, so you're better off making the box yourself.
DDR2700 means shiz if u got a 266Mhz FSB, might as well get PC2100 and save a lil $. Personally I hate emachines cause they are poorly made, use cheap parts wherever they can, and u can go cheaper if u diy.

Kentucky: 15 million people, 5 last names....
I agree with flamer on this one, if you want to get a performance boost out of DDR2700, make sure to get the 2600+ to 2800+ Athlon XP with the 333fsb.
I agree with BorisM. Go for 2800+ Athlon XP, a 333 fsb, and a memory that is PC2700 [PC2700 = 166 Mhz DDR-SDRam (DDR 333)].

If you build it yourself, you could get a descent motherboard, sound card, graphics card, and monitor for the same price as what the emachines offers.

<b>All the world's problems can be solved through COMMON SENSE<b>
2600+ is the best deal, since its about 50 bucks less than the 2700+ and the performance difference is nominal. I would suggest getting everything from newegg.com. A Gigabyte 7VAXP is pretty nice, it has RAID, supports 333fsb processor, PC2700 RAM, and is priced nicely at $116 (VIA KT400 chipset). As for the RAM, I wouldn't go with anything besides Mushkin. Cheers.
I just did a comparison of shopping at NewEgg and it seems that if I bought everything that the emachines offers, KM266, 512 PC2100, ATI Radeon 9700 Pro, ... it seems that i am over budget by about $100 to a total of $1130, from $999 for what e-machines offers. The Radeon Card puts me overbudget, i'm sure they're getting it for way less than advertised and the quality of the other components are questionable. Memory has sure gotten expensive since last year. If you wish to purchase the emachine, you better hope that they would at least use good quality components. On the other hand, if you build your machine you could debug your system much easier if a problem arises.

It's really up to you. If your parents are buying it, then I would go for the emachines (yes, even after all the horror stories i heard). But being a working person and knowing how quality is important, I would build it myself. I've bought one computer in the past from Circuit City (1995) and have had so many problems. But I have also built 3 systems since then, and I have had no problems, well possibly software (only because windows sucked).

Whatever you decide, i hope you know the consequences. It's either a trade-off between quality and quantity (age old rivals).

Good luck.

<b>All the world's problems can be solved through COMMON SENSE<b>
I tried it at newegg with a Leadtek K7NCR18D-PRO (much better board), and without a keyboard, mouse and modem and came up to $1024

<i>It's always the one thing you never suspected.</i>
The key is you never know that emachines is giving you an ATI original, they could be giving you an OEM that you can get for around $313.
Scrap the modem, modems are a waste of cash anyway, the miracle of cable/xdsl has already been invented :).
And unless it's his first PC, keyboard and mouse (if in reasonable shape) can be hauled over =)
999-1024 is pretty reasonable, for $25 you save yourself the horror the other posters have pointed out

Tech junkie.
If you read the emachines warranty, you will see that if you opened the cover of the PC just to take a peak, without even adding or removing any components, your warranty is void, unless this is done by an "Authorized" emachine personnel.
We get 3-6 in a week that are junk, out of 6-8,
1 120 watt power/s is 89.99 + tax in stalled
upgrade my ass it means we will sell you a new one.

The Warranty means we will only charge you 240% over cost
on parts we blame on you.............

when you do get one, let me know, i can rob no help you
on warranty work


<font color=blue>HOSED = Horrific operating system error detected</font color=blue>
Kentucky: 15 million people, 5 last names....


<font color=blue>HOSED = Horrific operating system error detected</font color=blue>
EMachines? <b>NO!!!!!!</b> *shudder*

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Guns kill people just like spoons make Rosie O'Donnell fat.
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