You may be familiar to signing in to Windows 8/8.1 with a password, but there is also an option to use a PIN number.
Using a PIN would replace the password as a means of authentication.
By default the PIN protection is disabled in Windows 8/Windows 8.1. Most people use passwords, but you may opt to use a PIN for simplicity if you're the only one who uses your computer.
In order to enable the PIN protection in Windows 8/Windows 8.1, follow these steps:
10. Once done, click Finish to confirm the changes.
11. In order to verify if the modifications have been applied to the computer, log off from the currently signed in user account, and sign back in using the newly configured PIN number.
Using a PIN would replace the password as a means of authentication.
By default the PIN protection is disabled in Windows 8/Windows 8.1. Most people use passwords, but you may opt to use a PIN for simplicity if you're the only one who uses your computer.
In order to enable the PIN protection in Windows 8/Windows 8.1, follow these steps:
- ■Log on to the Windows 8/Windows 8.1 computer using your personal account.
■From the Start screen, hover mouse to the bottom-right corner of the window.
■From the displayed Charms bar, click Settings.
■From the bottom of the Settings pane, click Change PC settings.
■On the opened PC settings window, from the left pane, click the Accounts category.
■From the Account window, from the left pane, click Sign-in options.
■From the right pane, under the PIN section, click the Add button.
■On the Create a PIN box that opens up, in the available field, type the current password of the logged on user account, and click OK to proceed.
■On the next box that comes up, in the Enter PIN and Confirm PIN fields, type and retype a four digits PIN that you want to use while signing in to Windows 8/Windows 8.1.
10. Once done, click Finish to confirm the changes.
11. In order to verify if the modifications have been applied to the computer, log off from the currently signed in user account, and sign back in using the newly configured PIN number.