Enabling XMP causes slight Overclock?


Dec 8, 2018
This is the last thread I am making and I do not want any confusion and I want a straight answer and a basic answer because I am very furious over this right now.

I have an i7 8700k processor and its rated speed is 2666mhz and Intel support says having higher ram can damage the processor which I don't believe. Read about it in another thread while googling.

Moot point. I have a Corsair RGB PRO Vengeance 3000mhz and I set it to XMP 1 profile in ASUS ROG STRIX z390 Gaming E motherboard bios.

Does this mean I did slightly overclock it?

I need answers so I can decide if I should order the 2666mhz? I ain't interested in overclocking or hurting my CPU. I know I should have bought an 8700 instead of a K series but I am used to K series anyways. It's not a big deal. Please seriously help me understand this so I can have peace of mind. Everyone else says yes it overclocks it and some claim to say NO it doesn't and just sets the ram speed. Now I am baffled and stressed out. Help.