Epic Revealing Unreal Engine 4 Later This Year

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I remember Epic boss Tim Sweeney said:

"There is a long life ahead for Unreal Engine 3. Version 4 will exclusively target the next console generation, Microsoft's successor for the Xbox 360, Sony's successor for the Playstation 3 - and if Nintendo ships a machine with similar hardware specs, then that also. PCs will follow after that"

I hated him for this.
I doubt very much the Ipad3 can run UE4. I doubt it could even run UE3. Also I seriously doubt its screen will have higher resolution than Blu-Ray. I doubt the Wii U could run UE4 but I believe it could run UE3 better than PS3 and Xbox360.
Can prove to be a good benchmark for new ATI and NVidia GPUs. Last year they ran it on multiple GTX580 but since new architecture should be 2x faster.. Do the math :) Bored to death with Unigen and 3D Marks.

Yeah, basically all developers have snubbed the PC. That's why basically all games have been held back in technical sophistication; it's so those games will fit on the consoles. I think I saw somewhere that console versions of games sell about 10 times higher than PC versions of those games. Also I think the number of PCs with superior hardware to consoles is much higher which just makes this situation look much worse if true.
[citation][nom]IndignantSkeptic[/nom]I doubt very much the Ipad3 can run UE4. I doubt it could even run UE3. Also I seriously doubt its screen will have higher resolution than Blu-Ray. I doubt the Wii U could run UE4 but I believe it could run UE3 better than PS3 and Xbox360.[/citation]

ipad and iphone 3 ipod touch 3 run unreal 3.

i was hoping they made an engine that ran better on lesser hardware, as in look at crysis 1 to crysis 2, about the same graphics with out dx11 but crysis 2 ran so much better.

lets hope that this isnt a brute force engine and it has some amount of finesse.
[citation][nom]IndignantSkeptic[/nom]I doubt very much the Ipad3 can run UE4. I doubt it could even run UE3. Also I seriously doubt its screen will have higher resolution than Blu-Ray. I doubt the Wii U could run UE4 but I believe it could run UE3 better than PS3 and Xbox360.[/citation]
I'll assume you are a troll, but for people who may read this and think it's accurate here's my take on it.

UE3 already runs on iPad, iPad2, iPhone, iPod Touch, and several Android devices. Here's a list of iPad games that run on UE3:

Infinity Blade
Epic Citidel
N.O.V.A 3
Afterlife-Ground Zero
Warm Gun
Desert Zombies-Last Stand

Epic makes the Unreal Engine extremely scaleble so it can run on low-end hard and take advantage of high-end hardware. If memory servers me right, UE4 is supposed to highly threaded as well which will be great for things like Tegra 3 tablets, 4 to 16 thread PC processors, and probably most of the next-gen consoles.
[citation][nom]IndignantSkeptic[/nom]Yeah, basically all developers have snubbed the PC. That's why basically all games have been held back in technical sophistication; it's so those games will fit on the consoles. I think I saw somewhere that console versions of games sell about 10 times higher than PC versions of those games. Also I think the number of PCs with superior hardware to consoles is much higher which just makes this situation look much worse if true.[/citation]Piracy on console are still here, they are still as big as ever, My friend's friend is a big time pirate, he got a huge collection of pirate ps3 games. The developer should stop blaming pirates, if they create a good game people will buy it.

A bunch of us PC gamers need more reason to upgrade our PCs. having a 5yrs old 9800GT PC able to play a 2010 game Assasin Creed 2 brotherhood @ Max detail @ 1680x1050 is just SOOO WRONG.
Better than nothing I suppose. In the era of soon to be Kepler vs Radeon 7xx0 and later on down the road 8xx0 I wouldn't be surprised if things continue as they are a ancient 6 year old 8800gtx will likely still play next years games max or near max at 1600x900 with ease.
I don't understand how the next Xbox with it's 6670 based GPU could possibly run UE4.... I thought we saw a video awhile back showing that it takes THREE GTX580's to do it.
[citation][nom]IndignantSkeptic[/nom]I doubt very much the Ipad3 can run UE4. I doubt it could even run UE3. Also I seriously doubt its screen will have higher resolution than Blu-Ray. I doubt the Wii U could run UE4 but I believe it could run UE3 better than PS3 and Xbox360.[/citation]
I dub thee "Sir Doubting Thomas".
[citation][nom]IndignantSkeptic[/nom]Yeah, basically all developers have snubbed the PC. That's why basically all games have been held back in technical sophistication; it's so those games will fit on the consoles. I think I saw somewhere that console versions of games sell about 10 times higher than PC versions of those games. Also I think the number of PCs with superior hardware to consoles is much higher which just makes this situation look much worse if true.[/citation]

But Steam doesn't release precise numbers of games sold, so the gap is actually smaller than that. Not that they give a shit about it, though...
Sadly, we the owners of powerful PC rigs are considerably outnumbered by people who think consoles>PC or has just enough money for a console.

I'd love to see a gaming rig for $200, but then again, you go with consoles, you better keep your game purchases in check because Microsoft, Sony and now Nintendo subsidize their consoles' prices with inflated games' prices.

I was not aware that UE3 was powering those games; I thought it was UE2. If I was Epic I wouldn't want anyone to know that that was UE3.
part of the reason why I am getting Sabertooth mobo, because it has 5 yrs warranty. It is guaranty to run at least 5 yrs. If I take care enough it could last 8-10yrs easily. Pair up with a 7yrs warranty PSU, lifetime warranty GPU/RAM = Looks like PC components that design to last longer looks better deal for me than the typical ones, because I know that it will be unlikely my 2500K+GTX570 become retiring from Gaming rig in another 5-7yrs. I hope I was wrong.... I really hope.....but looks like I will be right.
[citation][nom]Tomfreak[/nom]part of the reason why I am getting Sabertooth mobo, because it has 5 yrs warranty. It is guaranty to run at least 5 yrs. If I take care enough it could last 8-10yrs easily. Pair up with a 7yrs warranty PSU, lifetime warranty GPU/RAM = Looks like PC components that design to last longer looks better deal for me than the typical ones, because I know that it will be unlikely my 2500K+GTX570 become retiring from Gaming rig in another 5-7yrs. I hope I was wrong.... I really hope.....but looks like I will be right.[/citation]
DO your computers normally die in less then 5 years? I have computers with parts that I bought cause they were the cheapest that have been running for about 7 years. This is while one of them was running in a little closet that has the heater for the house in it.
Hey, guys, don't you get it! For years developers are pushing the visuals and completely neglecting the gameplay! Modern games are pure garbage! Since the invention of 3D accelerators and the 1st person shooter before that - the game quality deteriorates each year. Current games are all boring, lame copies of the same shit - trolls, goblins, orcs, troll, goblins, orcs, undead, undead, orcs... over and over again! Just look the current "top" RPG - and endless world of pure repetitiveness, emptiness - simply -> pure shit - Skyrim. That's supposed to be an RPG? I don't play Japanese RPGs, so I don't have any opinion on the but the last good Western RPGs were made on the 2D Infinity engine. All we usually get is recycled old shit. Well, with Assasin's Creed they tried to make something original.
Even stupid Angry Birds have more gameplay and fun than that shiny, shader filled 3D garbage, they are calling games. Most of them are simply bad interactive 3D movies. Better just go to the movies and watch a movie. Sometimes movies are not too bad because they are at least directed by professional directors, while most games are directed by... ex-programmers who think they can "direct".
Sir, You are right. The last FPS that I WANTED to play was Hl2 because simply people dont make games that have anything cool anymore.
[citation][nom]IndignantSkeptic[/nom]Yeah, basically all developers have snubbed the PC.~ I think I saw somewhere that console versions of games sell about 10 times higher than PC versions of those games. Also I think the number of PCs with superior hardware to consoles is much higher which just makes this situation look much worse if true.[/citation]
If it were that good... but no. A crappy selling game on a console would be a million units. A blockbuster for a PC would be 100,000. So yeah, they may sell 10~20 million copies of a game for the 360 / PS3 while the same title may sell 40~80,000 for PC.

I guess UT4 won't ever be made... especially after the UT3 debacle.
I just hope customizing controls will be much improved over the previous engines. Spending time editing text documents to have my settings restored to default when I run the game is no fun at all.
I see no point in buying a new system every year, or any upgrades, if all I have to do is buy a console every six years to play the same games. I'm so disgusted with devs catering to the consoles at the expense of PC's. I feel like I'm driving a 500hp Ferrari but can only go on 25mph neighborhood streets. sigh.... HW manufacturers better take note.
[citation][nom]Zingam[/nom]I know I am right and so many suckers have downrated me! Really paying $600 for a GPU to play what MWF... WTF? And some pay 2x, 3x for a SLI lameness coz they think they are rich. Well, really rich people don't play with computers they play with other really cool stuff. And why are SLI guys playing with a mouse? Coz they don't get to play with a nice, puffy pussy.[/citation]

600 for the best gpu... well there is cuda on nvidias end, and opencl on amd, so when that takes off reason for good gpu right there.

games... well some games if you want to max em out take 1.5-2gb of ram and thats a 3-400$ gpu right there, and if you want 60fps all the time, than you more or less need a high end gpu.

and what a 1920x1080 monitor costs what, 100$ - 200$ thats the bare minimum a pc game should get played at on a desktop... i use a 1920x1200 myself, and i use a 5770 hd, because im cheap.

now for sli.
if you ever play a 3d game that was made with 3d in mind, thats a reason to sli
want to play on more than 1 monitor? there is an sli reason
love raceing games, 3 monitor setup is SO great for those games, reason to sli
want to play on a 30 inch 2560x1600 monitor, sli is necessary
and to make sure no game dips lower than 60fps, sli is necessary.

see those are the reason to sli... i dont like people complaining that there are no games that require sli to max them out, no game ever should, but if you want bells and whistles than yea.
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