Epic Wants to Develop Unreal Tournament 4 With You

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A single player campaign would be nice. Never been a true successor to Unreal 2. I am a bioshock/farcry/crysis fan because I love the campaign. I don't have enough friends for multilayer anymore and I'm not playing with people I don't know. Though I hope this is a very PC optimized game. Atleast it should be very modable which interests me as a hobby modder.
Hope they make it as fun and playable as 2004.
The weapons and game modes and also the mods and home brew maps made it awesome , I especially enjoyed the RPG versions of Invasion, they were a lot of fun.
UT3 looked great but lost it with playability and the weapons weren't as good, I did like the physics tho , looked really good!
A UT4 would be awesome. Heck, I'd take it even if they made the new one with the UE3. I just hope they don't eventually get greedy and take out bots and LAN to force people to play online, like what happened to Battlefield from BF3 and onwards. Also, screw a CoD-wannabe campaign - UT is an Arena shooter, it should stay true to its roots.
Honestly, a copy-paste of UT2004 in a new engine is all I'd need. I still play UT2004 a decade later. Do this for me, and you'd keep me entertained for another decade.
Honestly, a copy-paste of UT2004 in a new engine is all I'd need. I still play UT2004 a decade later. Do this for me, and you'd keep me entertained for another decade.
I loved 2k4, played hours and hour and hours of CTF Face 3 with lowgrav/quadjump/instagib haha.
Well glad there working on it, since its been a long time. Even if they charged 50-60USD for it i would gladly pay. Looking forward to this. If it stays true to the original franchise this should be Epic!
Well glad there working on it, since its been a long time. Even if they charged 50-60USD for it i would gladly pay. Looking forward to this. If it stays true to the original franchise this should be Epic!
They can perfectly well make a both with vehicles and with no vehile maps.
Good for EPIC if they can rall this and make it work.
It is risky for the company anyway. Can create a lot of oposing sides in terms of what the game should be about.

I still play UT2004 which Vehicles... there are game styles with and without. Plenty for all to enjoy.
WOW EPIC!! You pissed off a lot of UT players with the UT3 debacle. A game that has serious flaws which were fixable, but we're not. You should of remembered how you handled UT2003 > UT2004. (UT2003 has minor issues but was not loved. UT2004 fixed almost everything and far more fun).

You could have released UT4 back in 2009/2010 with the corrections below and people would be playing it today, rather than UT2004 such as myself.
UT3 has a great game engine, its stable, smooth... but a disappointment, and frustrating (not fun). An important example was the VEHICLES. In UT2004, the MOUSE wheel allowed the player to ZOOM IN (cock pit POV) or ZOOM OUT to a wide view to see your VEHICLE and the world around it. But in UT3, this function was not USED! Instead, your vehicle sucked up 1/3 of the screen! You couldn't see what you were shooting at with a Raptor. One of the IMPORTANT features of UT3 was the hooverboard in which players COULD hitch a ride behind a Vehicle - being pulled... even in the air. BUT since your Raptor (Jet fighter) filled up the screen, you COULD NOT see if you had hitchhikers or see if they were trying to grab on... or if they fell off, etc. UGH

Someone made a 16K mod, which RESTORED this zoom function, that even worked better than UT2004! A 16K file made the game *FUN*... but since its a mod and not standard with UT3, only a few servers used it. Empty servers = death.

So, the faults of UT3:
1 - The Menu UI sucked. Worse ever! Console based. Still prefer UT99 the best... but UT2004 style is acceptable.
2 - VEHICLE ZOOM, the lack of. This is a MUST feature.
3 - MAPS - only came with about 35 maps for 5 game types... in which only about 10 were any good... so we got BORED before gamers made good maps.
(Maps with Vehicles require a bit more space to move)
4 - MAPS part2: Make it like UT2004. When people buy the DVD or blu-ray disc, it comes with at least 100 maps!
5 - Dump WAR, get back the original ONS. The orbs, they were a good and bad thing... more bad than good.
6 - Bring back Assault.
7 - Requiring Gamespy to log-on and save your settings = SUCK ASS. PS: Gamespy is dead.
8 - Saving custom maps is a BITCH compare to UT2004. Things were way more complicated than they should ever be. Include a Cache>Map converter tool to manage the maps. Make so the user can't accidentally uninstall core maps.
9 - UT is a Tournament. Not a personal war... it was weak and lame.
10 - some of the Alien vehicles sucked... simply not needed. Still should have the WALKER. But the rest... Meh.

That's about it.

So: Make it more like UT2004, but even easier to add MAPS, manage maps and servers, download content. If possible, make it handle 64 humans.

(Map servers) ie: no fake populated servers. Include lots of maps to start with.

Make it FUN to PLAY. I can honestly say, I am EXCITED by the direction EPIC is going... I've been BUYING Unreal since the first game.
firstly.. keep it similar to the older unreal tournaments. unreal tournament fans like unreal tournament. not something else. make sure it doesn't turn into a interactive movie.. i hate button mashing constant cutscene games. keep it fast paced and very competitive.. and you have my money.
This is the only good way to do it with a game this epic (punt intended). thousands of maps, hundred of gamemodes... what can we ask more?
This should be closer to UT 99. Ignore those who call for UT2k style of play. As one of the old farts(not one of the UT 99 clan, but I know who you are!) who used to be a part of the old UT 99 competitive community when UT was actually popular, I can tell you that what that community wanted was a progression of UT 99, not the wall hopping spam of the UT2kx games. Disregard calls for more of those games. There is a reason those communities never lasted like UT 99's. We want a competitive FPS that rewards skill, practice. Not a spam, wall hoping, vehicle mess like the 2k versions. I want shock combos, flak cannon, sniper, minigun, amp, armor, etc. Leave out the vehicles. Don't try to clone anything out now. None of the current competitive shooters hold a candle to the original UT. Do it right epic. Find us old guys who helped make your first UT successful and ask them what it would take to get us to come back.
Belardo, you seem really passionate about the game to put up a lengthy post about the likes & dislikes. However, hopefully you put that in the respective forums setup for the game, as I'm fairly certain that the UT devs are not trolling this thread nor bookmarking it until the game is released. 🙂
Not a single post in here actually indicates an understanding of what Epic is doing. They are going to allow US to participate in making the game. If you don't like it, get involved in the actual development as a mapper, modder, artist, coder etc or just provide feedback on the builds as they come out. Also, the basic game will be totally free. The only time this costs money is if you want to help develop because you need a UE4 subscription or if, in the future a modder wants to charge for their work, you'll have the option to buy it.
We need a controller that has the shape and feel of a real gun. We use a real gun in the battles. That would add a new sense of realism and fun. Please i want hold a gun in my little fat hands.
Just ask the old ut compeditive scene to come back together and help you on this one, quite a few of them have grown to be programmers and other developers themselves so they may even get technically relevant data there.

I have access to the Epic Forums, just haven't made it over there yet. Knowing HOW they failed with UT3 is how to not repeat the same mistakes with UT4.

Lets see, I have over 900 UT99 maps, over 700 UT2004 maps and about 150 UT3 maps. Once the custom USER made maps came out, UT3 started becoming a GOOD game, minus the stupid lack of Vehicle zoom. But so few servers ran the custom maps which are 15~40mb in size. hence, it MUST come with 100 maps (like UT2004) so that people can have FUN while more maps are being made. About half the servers use only standard maps.
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