Erasing hard drives for new build?

My ssd and hdd are only a couple months old. Toasted my 8350 and mobo somehow. Starting over. Just don't want to lose any gaming performance do to rewrite. If that's even possible? I'm a noob only second build.

My ssd and hdd are only a couple months old. Toasted my 8350 and mobo somehow. Starting over. Just don't want to lose any gaming performance do to rewrite. If that's even possible? I'm a noob only second build.
You could do a secure erase of the sdd using the manufacturers toolkit, which is near enough putting it back to virginal state.

As for the HDD, during Windows setup, just delete the partitions and once Windows is up and running, using the disk manager to create a new partition.

Not familiar with the partitions portion of deleting hdd but that's a can do on the ssd. Thanks stig by the way I think I can take you in a head to head on the track.

With a new MB you will likely need a new copy of the OS if it's W7.

I have the win 7 disc to reinstall on my new system. Can I not reuse the same os disc I purchased with my first build?

When you install an OEM version of W7 it becomes bound permanently to the MB of that computer. When you change MB you need a new activation key.