mortysgiftedgames :
hang-the-9 :
If you remove the card, system works OK? If it does, check for a newer BIOS for the computer and try again with the card. It may just not be compatible with your motherboard if it does not work after that.
I removed the card and booted the pc and it gives me
RAID Volumes:
None Defined.
and below it shows my hard drives names with their serial number and below that one it says "Press <CRTL-I> to enter Configuration Utility..." And then it boots up the Windows startup logo and then stops suddenly and takes me to this screen that says "Windows Error Recovery" and ask if i want to start launch repair or Windows normally and i hit start Windows Normally and then the cycle repeats itself.
Sounds like you have some more issues there. Did you have the system setup in RAID? Seems like your motherboard got reset to defaults, maybe the drives or drive is bad. You may need to do a clean Windows setup, but may have a motherboard issue. I'd try a clean Windows setup, turn off all RAID setup for the drives if it's on, set the BIOS to defaults, install Windows and drivers, see if that works OK after that.