Question Error of iexplore.exe, how to find virus


May 21, 2013
Just when I was rebooting in Windows 10, iexplore.exe (or explorer.exe?) showed an error. Screen dimmed, and no strange events have happened ever since. I think it's infection, but could be hardware fail too.

I want to find a log, why did .exe stop, and find file of rootkit, or trojan and etc. to delete it. I don't know where this log is placed.
i'm using Windows Defender but i don't use Malwarebytes because their privacy policy is "send everything".
Look in event logs. Just perform a search in your start menu search bar for "event viewer" and click on hardware logs then search through there for details on why explorer.exe is crashing.

As for running scans. Malwarebytes is actually very good. If you are concern about the data it is sending from my understanding it is only system data to improve their products, not personal data but you could always download the installer, remove the ethernet cable and perform a full scan/fix then uninstall Malwarebyte before plugging the ethernet back into your PC.

I'd also recommend running awdware removal tool and a decent anti-virus program.
In event viewer i see 'Applications and Server logs'/Hardware events', and it has 0 events. In 'Windows Logs', there are so many entries as well in 'Microsoft'. I looked at some entries marked 'error' but there's no explorer so far.
But I can search a folder for explorer.exe and there's some of 'info' type though no 'error' type yet.
Maybe there's some special folder? Thanks.